Natalia Rodriguez - Comments

Natalia Rodriguez

Social Media Specialist
Natalia is a social media expert and has tremendous experience in all aspects of social media. Her specialties include Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Natalia enjoying writing about leveraging social networks to promote business growth and opportunities.

Latest Comments
GameSquare Surges Towards Profitability After FaZe Clan Acquisition
5 months ago

What was the PR? I tried to research the stock after reading this, but this was literally the only article I could find about the company.

In this article: GAME
GameSquare Surges Towards Profitability After FaZe Clan Acquisition
5 months ago

I haven't followed $LUNR, but I took a look and you seem to be right!  Thanks for two stock tips in one day.

In this article: GAME
GameSquare Surges Towards Profitability After FaZe Clan Acquisition
5 months ago

$GAME is going to the moon, Alice, to the moon!


In this article: GAME
Canada鈥檚 Housing Boom Was A Bubble. Now Comes The Bust
1 year ago

Meanwhile in 馃嚚馃嚘, unfortunate, but true for many, the courts have spoken, thank dog, what a messed up economy:

Court ruling blocking Kitchener, Ont., encampment eviction could affect cases across Canada, say legal experts

Gold, Silver, And Mining Stocks Leave No Room For Bullish Hopes
2 years ago

So we are going lot lower..??? gold at 1500s.

Bitcoin Forecast: Leaping Over Crucial $40,000 Level
3 years ago

50 days EMA was crossed at 41,5K on Monday. I guess you were referring that now is pointing to 200 days EMA (45K level)

In this article: BITCOMP
Will Cardano Or Dogecoin Grow More By 2022?
3 years ago

I think #Cardano will pull ahead once smart contracts come out.

In this article: DOGE-X
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

This makes sense to me, DRM. And glad you are being safe. I am still baffled that there are actually people who say that the coronavirus is a hoax.

Does The Future Scare You?
4 years ago

@[Michelle Bell](user:44676), oh no! That's horrible, that can't be true.

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