Excellent job highlighting #Twitter's possible potential and shortcomings. I think you've hit the nail on the head regarding the problems the company needs to overcome. But being that they've yet to figure it out, despite having more than enough time to do so, makes me wary of $TWTR.
I don't see the difference between using a self driving car or getting a lift with a friend or a cab driver. People text, use cell phones, get distracted, etc. A self-driving car does none of these things. While I might trust my own instincts over a car's, I'd much rather trust my life to a self-driving car than another person.
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Overview Of Emerald Health Therapeutics, A Growing Cannabis Producer In Canada
#EMHTF sounds very promising.
A Third Dimension In Oil Production
I made a good call buying $PTRC after reading this. Stock has been way up!
Disney To Test Self-Driving Shuttles Bringing A High Profile Name To The Burgeoning Industry
Gary, where's that link you shared with me previously about some of the problems with self driving cars?
Disney To Test Self-Driving Shuttles Bringing A High Profile Name To The Burgeoning Industry
I've begun to sour on the self driving car phenomenon. @[Gary Anderson](user:4798) had an article that was a real eye opener.
3 Keys To Twitter's Turnaround
Excellent job highlighting #Twitter's possible potential and shortcomings. I think you've hit the nail on the head regarding the problems the company needs to overcome. But being that they've yet to figure it out, despite having more than enough time to do so, makes me wary of $TWTR.
Europe Will Climb That Same Wall Of Worry
Enjoyed this, thanks.
Top Ten Reasons Self Driving Cars Are Useless
I have to say, this article was truly an eye opener!
Can Self-Driving Cars Ever Really Be Safe?
Thanks, somehow missed this article.
Profit On Genworth Deal Uncertainty
Looking forward to more by you!
Can Self-Driving Cars Ever Really Be Safe?
I don't see the difference between using a self driving car or getting a lift with a friend or a cab driver. People text, use cell phones, get distracted, etc. A self-driving car does none of these things. While I might trust my own instincts over a car's, I'd much rather trust my life to a self-driving car than another person.