HedgeFundOfOne - Comments

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Why You Should Question “Buy And Hold” Advice
9 years ago

That advice to hold for the 8%-10% long-term average ignores that face on fire & feet in ice is on average "comfortable". If I need my money when market and my capital are in a 50% trough, my capital won't recover. And so many opportunities for greater capital expansion missed if not ready with cash near the bottom.

In this article: SPX
Whatever Happened To Optimism ?
9 years ago

Appreciate your optimism, Carol! I'm on the optimistic side, too, but in a different way. I don't listen to the hype either way. Indifferent to market direction - I'm optimistic about my ability to take positions and adjust to market conditions. Look to grow capital whether market is moving up, down, or sideways.

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