Classy response. One of the reasons I like this site is that though we may disagree, the comments are always respecful and add value to the conversation.
This sounds a but like a conspiratorial rant. America does a lot of good in the world, I don't hate America. While I don't agree with everything she does, it is often to protect her citizens or it's allies. I never understood those who say people hate Americans because they are trying to defend itself. Maybe some people just hate America because they are evil and/or jelous of the US.
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Why Is Apple In Talks With Sharp For OLED Displays When It Will Likely Be Buying From Samsung?
I liked this, when will we see more by you?
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What'd you hear about them? Any insider tips? ;-) $VBIV
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Classy response. One of the reasons I like this site is that though we may disagree, the comments are always respecful and add value to the conversation.
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Looking forward to more by you...
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@[Kushal Kumar](user:7878), what does astrology have to do with investing?
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It does sound intriguing but also sounds a little risky.
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This sounds a but like a conspiratorial rant. America does a lot of good in the world, I don't hate America. While I don't agree with everything she does, it is often to protect her citizens or it's allies. I never understood those who say people hate Americans because they are trying to defend itself. Maybe some people just hate America because they are evil and/or jelous of the US.
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Interesting photo choice @[Nick Despo](user:36546). What does it mean?
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Why do you say that @[William Jump](user:22626)?
Canadian Oil Is Building A Wall And Mexico Is Paying For It
Really liked your article @[Omar Mawji](user:33168), when can we see more by you?