Alpha Stockman - Comments

Alpha Stockman

Human Security & Conflict Prevention Consultant
I am a Canadian working in Conflict Prevention, Early Warning Systems and Human Security. My bridging initiatives in using mapping technology and social networking for governence and conflict prevention has given me opportunities to take my skill set to several regions from East to West Africa. I ...more

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AT&T's Business Is Shrinking Not Growing, Say Analysts
6 years ago

I heard 2 analysts indicate $T as a strong buy. So clearly mixed signals when it comes to this stock.

In this video: T
U.S. Fiscal Policy Works Against Trump’s Trade Strategy
6 years ago

That's a good question though not the main point of the article. But to answer your question, a quick Google search provided me with this:

"Military equipment and construction services sales delivered in 2014 totaled $526.8 million for Japan, $641 million for South Korea and $163.7 million for Germany."


Do Self-Help Books Really Work? My Answer…
6 years ago

"I write about the time I figured out how to kill myself without hurting myself. Which is really hard to do..."

I'm not sure which I want to know more... WHY you figured out how to do something like that? Or what you actually came up with!

Still A Bull But Not Rabid
6 years ago

I completely agree with this.

In this article: SPX
Samsung To Up The Ante In Virtual Reality
6 years ago

Good article. Do you have anything more recent?

In this article: SSNLF, META, SNE
Tesla's Executive Turnover Seems About Average (Updated)
6 years ago

This is a reasonable statement on $TSLA and makes much sense. I will say that I was much more gung-ho about the self-driving technology but I've become somewhat soured on it after reading several of @[Gary Anderson](user:4798)'s articles on the subject. He seems to have much expertise and believes that it will ultimately prove to be a failed, unsafe technology. While I do believe we'll get there eventually it has certainly delayed my expectations of when it will be viable. I'm thinking maybe 20 to 25 years before I'd trust a car over myself.

In this article: TSLA
Tesla's Executive Turnover Seems About Average (Updated)
6 years ago

Good unbiased take on #Tesla, which is pretty hard to find these days. I keep going back and forth on this company. People seem to love the cars and #Musk and tend to ignore some of the problems the company face. Others highlight Musk's somewhat unpredictable behavior, the numerous companies that distract him and only focus on the negatives. What's your personal take on $TSLA, Trent? Worth investing in?

In this article: TSLA
Dumb Money Losing Their Minds
6 years ago

Agree Jim.

In this article: GLD
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