Alexa Graham - Comments

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Southwest Airlines Is Primed For Growth
2 years ago

ANy insight into when flight prices will come back down to pre-Covid levels?

In this article: LUV
Can Putin Survive?
2 years ago

Seems that you are probably right.

While The Dollar Rests, Is It Time For Gold To Rise And Shine?
2 years ago

The only reason I see for gold to stay depressed like this is if the Fed intends to shock our economy into such a severe economic depression that the price of everything is going to deflate significantly.

In this article: GDXJ
Inclusivity In SROs Leads To SRO Effectiveness
2 years ago

Makes a lot of sense, thanks.

In this article: BITCOMP
What Makes Solana So Controversial
2 years ago

Are there other crypto coins you'd recommend instead?

In this article: SOL-X
How To Trade CFD In Thailand
2 years ago

Interesting, thanks.

3 years ago

I agree. I think it's time for a new centrist party which could represent the majority of all Americans.

Gold Gann Update - Current Pullback
3 years ago

One giant wyckoff accumulation?

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