Adam Reynolds - Comments

Adam Reynolds

Retail Investor
I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!

Latest Comments
Making Sense Of Streaming
5 years ago

What about Sony's Crackle? Or Pluto TV? Both are free and offer a ton of streaming content (albeit with commercials).

In this article: L, AAPL, DIS, T, NFLX, GOOG, GOOGL, CBS, AMZN
Google (Alphabet) In Bid To Buy Fitbit
5 years ago

#Fitbit will have a great 2020 with the deals and partnerships it has lined up. A buyout is a good deal for #Google or #Amazon.

EU-UK Deal Sends Sterling And The Euro Higher
5 years ago

I wouldn't say it's over. On the contrary, we're just turning the page and it will be a whole new ballgame with its own problems. Plus it's not officially passed yet.

Uber, Taxis And The Omnibubble
5 years ago

Good read, thanks.

2 Main Factors That May Spell Serious Trouble For FedEx
5 years ago

Since you don't disclosure positions - safe to assume you are a troll or hiding short bias?

In this article: FDX
The Global Video Game Market: An Overview And What The Future Holds
5 years ago

These numbers are very surprising. Especially Grand Theft Auto's 6 billion earned since 2013. How is a nearly 7 year old game still bringing in that kind of money? I would have thought everyone would have moved onto Fortnite by now.

Strong Sales For LGI Homes Set Up Earnings Reports For Lennar And KB Home
5 years ago

Wow, those are bad for $LGIH. But there's no year listed. Are they old or still relevant?

In this article: KBH, LEN, ITB, LGIH
Canada's Job Creation Still Unusually Strong
5 years ago

Thanks for the clarification.

Taking Flight With Up Sonder
5 years ago

It sounds like a very cool company. Are you accepting more investors to your crowdfunding campaign?

GreenTree Hospitality Group: Value Is In The Details
5 years ago

Agreed. Lot's of uncertainty.

In this article: GHG
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