Tyler Durden | TalkMarkets | Page 1013
Writer at ZeroHedge
Contributor's Links: ZeroHedge
Tyler Durden (pseudonym) is thelead writer at ZeroHedge. Tyler represents the idea that a return to truly efficient markets is a possibility and a necessity. After having experienced the inner workings of capitalism at various asset managers and advisors, Tyler believes that the current model is ...more

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16193 to 16208 of 16244 Posts
Bitcoin As An Alternative Currency?
Does Bitcoin have the elements of a viable alternative currency? From a libertarian and pragmatic perspective.
Meet The Minimum-Wage Homeless Who Are "Cleaning Up" Fukushima (For The Yakuza)
3 years after the earthquake and tsunami that caused the meltdown at Fukushima's nuclear facility, Northern Japanese homeless are willing to accept minimum wage (from Yakuza-based entities) for one of the most undesirable jobs in the industrialized world: working on the $35 billion, taxpayer-funded effort to clean up radioactive fallout across an area of northern Japan larger than Hong Kong.
The US Dollar Is Dumping Again...
For the second time in a week, the market is running (not walking) away from the USD. Despite all the equity market exuberance over the taper, the USD is now unchanged from the FOMC decision and in relative free-fall for the world's reserve currency.
Americans React To End Of Jobless Benefits: “I Just Don’t Know What To Do, Except Pray”
"It's going to put my family and me out on the streets," is a perspective shared by many of the 1.3 million Americans about to lose their emergency unemployment claims. The program, started during the recession, was intended to help jobless people after they exhausted state benefits, typically lasting six months.
Steve Keen (Briefly) Explains Why Janet Yellen Won't See The Next Big One Coming
Interview with Steve Keen.
French Constitutional Court Approves 75% Tax On High Earners
The numerous unintended consequences of this shock and awe tax hike will be amusing to watch in real time.
What Could Go Wrong Here?
What if there are no more greater fools?
Twitter Now Has A Larger Market Capitalization Than 80% Of All S&P 500 Companies
Surely, more idiotic things have happened under Bernanke's centrally planned regime.
Turkish Lira Plunges To New Record Low As Government Obstructs "Graft" Probe
Turkish stocks are tumbling, bond yields are soaring, and the Lira is collapsing to new record lows as the prosecutor investigating the nation's "Graft" case cites police & government obstruction.
Initial Claims Tumble Even As 1.3 Million Americans Are Set To Stop Collecting Benefits
The claims data this week saw its biggest week-over-week percentage drop since January 2006.
Everything That Happened In 2013 In One Cartoon
The market happened, and then there was TV, and there was life.
A Trip Through The Bitcoin Mines
Bitcoin's currency "mining" takes place not in the earth's crust, or in the basement of the Federal Reserve, but inside supercomputers. Tyler Durden takes an indepth look into these virtual mines.
Bloomberg TV Anchor's Bitcoin Stolen On Primetime TV
Over the past two weeks, Bloomberg anchor Matt Miller has been on a crusade to popularize Bitcoin. This time it backfired.
Mortgage Applications Down 66% From Highs To New 13-Year Low
Since rates started to crack on Taper talk in May 2013, mortgage applications have fallen in a one-way stree
HFT Pays: CEO Of Virtu Financial Selling His NY Mansion For $114 Million
Everyone knows that the most parasitic form of trading is very profitable. Virtu Financial, one of the largest high frequency electronic trading firms accounts for more than 5% of US equities volume.
Chinese Stocks Are On The Edge
Chinese equities have been under significant pressure with the Shanghai Composite on the edge of completing a 3-month Double Top. A break of 2079 would confirm this move, exposing considerable downside in the weeks ahead.
16193 to 16208 of 16244 Posts