Todd Sullivan | TalkMarkets | Page 47
Hedge Fund Manager, Owner of ValuePlays and Angel Investor
Contributor's Links: ValuePlays Rand Strategic Partners
Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. ...more

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GDP May Be Ready To Accelerate Growth
Real GDP was better than expected. But, if one looks at the trends then one sees decent but less than historical RGDP.
Billings Index: “Broader Growth For The Entire Construction Industry”
The AIA has added a new indicator measuring the trends in new design contracts at architecture firms that can provide a strong signal of the direction of future architecture billings. The score for design contracts in August was 56.8.
Rail Traffic And Other Indicators Continue Their Upward March
Total N. American rail traffic came in at 755k carloads last week coming within 800 carloads of eclipsing the record set just 6 weeks ago.
Oil Rout Not Due To Shrinking Economies
How low oil will trade is entirely dependent on how quickly positions are liquidated. No one can predict this, but oil will stabilize, very likely in the mid-$90s would be my guess.
Fall In Oil Prices Bullish
Investors have a history of over investing in trends. Too often a trend is enhanced by investor activity which draws more investors in believing profits are ‘guaranteed’ when nothing could be further from reality.
Gold And OIl
Gold daily pricing history cannot be understood vs. simple comparison to currencies or other financial indicators.
“As Goes Employment, So Goes Equity Markets”
The precursor to NFP gains has reached the highest levels since 2008 and is accelerating indicating further NFP gains into Q1 2015..
Recovery Picking Up Steam
Oil prices are falling as are the prices for copper and other raw materials. Many interpret this as the end to economic expansion.
S&P 500 Intrinsic Value Update
The intrinsic value of the S&P illustrates that the current markets levels in no way depict a market that is “frothy” or anywhere near overvalued.
Time To Reduce Some Small Caps?
The performances of the Russell 2000 (Small Cap stocks) , the SP500 (Large Cap US) and the MSCI EAFE (Large Cap International) indices are shown in the 3 charts.
FHFA/Treasury Attorney’s Claim “Potential Future Profits” Belong On Balance Sheet
You have to read this and then think about the ramifications of what they claim. The scope of this is staggering……
American Apparel Buyout Coming?
Why not name a permanent CEO? Why another “interim”? The company this summer said they would make a decision on CEO Charney in 30 days and none has come yet. Why? My bet is they are setting it up to be sold. Sooner rather than later…
The WSJ Misinterprets Sweeney Decision
We have to be careful assuming any case vs the government regarding the GSE’s correlates to every other case.
Chemical Barometer Signals More Market Gains
“Its the economy stupid!” is a phrase which came out of President Clinton’s successful run against President George Bush in 1992. That it is the economy is something often used in politics but not in fact understood by investors.
Ted Olson’s Shot Across The Bow
Perry Capital has asked to join Fairholme’s request for supplementation of the record. Ted Olson has done so in a way that all but makes the claim Treasury and FHFA are duplicitous in hiding/omitting documents in this case.
More Erroneous Reporting On GSE Litigation
In what could be a major blow to the investor case against Treasury regarding GSE shareholder rights, U.S. District Judge Amy Jackson on Friday ruled that Fannie Mae shareholders cannot sue the Department of Treasury in a derivative action.
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