Todd Sullivan | TalkMarkets | Page 44
Hedge Fund Manager, Owner of ValuePlays and Angel Investor
Contributor's Links: ValuePlays Rand Strategic Partners
Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. ...more

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S&P 500 Intrinsic Value Update
The Dallas Fed reported their preferred inflation measure in January 2015 at 1.5% for the 12mo Trimmed Mean PCE.
Howard Hughes Reports
Here are The Howard Hughes Corp. highlights and earnings.
“Charney’s Fools” Within American Apparel
Charney supporters inside American Apparel are trashing the new management and investors. If Charney was so committed to the brand and the workers, why isn’t he speaking out to quell this nonsense?
“Davidson” On Markets
The calls for a market crash have been frequent lately as the NASDAQ (QQQ) approaches the highest levels ever reached in early 2000 when the Internet Bubble peaked.
Chemical Activity Indicating Further Expansion
The Chemical Activity Index(CAB) at 97.7-equity prices should continue higher. Chemicals represent the basis of many products, too many to even think of listing them all.
Temp Employment Signaling Accelerating Employment Data
There is a ~4-6mos lag in this data what we are seeing that as we head through spring and into early summer we will see employment trends continue to improve.
Housing Sentiment Turning?
The National Assoc of Home Builders reported Feb 2015 HMI at 55, 2pts lower than Jan’s 57. Surprise, surprise!! No one complained that this was a disaster.
Global Oil Production And Consumption In Balance
Over the long term I fully expect a return to mid-$90s/bbl pricing, which is a level that was acceptable to producers and consumers not so long ago.
Employment Trends May Be Accelerating
While it is too early to call, the trend in the Household Survey appears to show signs of acceleration.
Howard Hughes Corporation: 5th Tower Approved
HHC received approval today for its fifth mixed-use project, the second residential and commercial development in Phase Two of the Ward Village Master Plan.
“Davidson” On Markets - Value Vs Momentum Investors
Once one sees that market psychology sets prices, one quickly recognizes that, even though each investor thinks of themselves as having a unique perspective, only two investor types actually exist, i.e. Value Investors and Momentum Investors.
S&P Intrinsic Value Update
One of the strongest themes in our markets is that not only do many believe price trends forecast the direction of economies but that price trends actually direct economic activity.
Now The WSJ Just Ignores Plaintiff Victory In GSE Litigation
If the judge agrees, shares of Fannie and Freddie could plunge again. And given that the case is before the same judge that dismissed the other suits, that is a real possibility.
Demand For Homes In Woodlands “Continues To Grow”
There has been a ton of speculation that continues out there about oil and Houston……..problem is none of it jives with what is happening on the ground…
Houston Housing Market Finishes Record Year With Record Month
There has been plenty of chatter out there regarding oil and the Houston housing market and those fears have hit the price of $HHC.
Temp Help Index Signals Significant Employment Gains Coming
The temp staffing index hit an all time high just before Christmas as we expected it would given its strength heading to the holiday hiring season.
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