Todd Sullivan | TalkMarkets | Page 29
Hedge Fund Manager, Owner of ValuePlays and Angel Investor
Contributor's Links: ValuePlays Rand Strategic Partners
Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. ...more

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S&P Intrinsic Value Update - Friday, February 2
The SP500 Value Investor Index $2,275 vs. SP500 $2,823 looks scary, but it is not really. The history from 1978 is shown in semi-log format and extended with current reported values out to 2022.
Davidson On The Dollar And Equities
The US Dollar has been much in the news. How it is priced in the context of global currencies impacts investors in every country as it impacts trade flows, commodity prices and relative prices of global assets and underlying returns.
CAB Climbs Higher, Equity Markets To Follow
CAB reported at 121.13 with past few months revised higher. Economic activity is accelerating and equities should follow as they have done historically.
Oil Situation - Thursday, January 18
6.8mil BBL drop in US Crude, shut down for spring catalyst/maintenance looms. Total drop in US Crude from peak Mar 2017 123mil BBL-Interesting in the least!
The US Dollar And Oil
US Dollar has dropped past 2days and the inverse to WTI while not lock-step is prominent.
Oil Prices Have More Gains Ahead
With oil over $61, we can expect more drilling to take place. More drilling means more oil must go through pipelines.
Javelins, The Dollar And Oil
It has been fascinating to watch US crude inventories fall more than 100mil BBL since March 2017 in the face of the market perception of a continued ‘oil glut’.
What Oil Bears Are Missing
With inventories falling and refining rising back to a rising trend now in the 18mil BBL/Day, rising Refined Product and crude exports, I expect for prices to rise.
Chemical Activity Is Accelerating
The Chemical Activity Barometer(CAB) was revised higher with today's report. Equity prices have risen in spite of many contrary calls for an economic correction which has not been supported by economic indicators.
The Oil Situation - Wednesday, December 13
The global economy is accelerating and with it will demand, the middle east has been relatively peaceful, OPEC is extending production cuts and rig counts, while up over 2016 are have been essentially flat for 2017 despite the rise in oil prices.
The Fed Is Behind The Curve
The Yellen Fed has been painfully slow to ratchet rates up to levels required by the US economy.
Economic Indicators Illustrate Accelerating Economy
GDP has had multiple upward revisions to which the market responds but in truth GDP is backwards looking and not useful for anticipating economic trends.
S&P 500 Intrinsic Value Index Update - Friday, Dec. 1
There is no means of predicting how ‘high’ and ‘when’ economic activity and investment markets will top-out.
The US Oil Situation
The price of oil is finally rising… it can go significantly higher.
The Fed Gets Ready To Follow Markets
Even though many continue to believe that the Fed controls economic activity by setting rates, it does not. The Fed follows, it does not lead.
The Fed Still Follows The Market On Rates
We need to put to bed once and for all the notion the Fed is ahead of things and set rates to lead the market.
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