Rodney Johnson | TalkMarkets | Page 7
President at HS Dent Publishing
Contributor's Links: HS Dent
Rodney Johnson writes The Rodney Johnson Report, which is published by HS Dent Publishing. He began his career in financial services on Wall Street in the 1980s with Thomson McKinnon and then Prudential Securities, where he was a bond trader. He started working on projects with Harry Dent in the ...more

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Empty Buildings And Wasted Debt: The Chinese Economic "Miracle"
There's only one reason China's been able to achieve 7% GDP growth for the past 25 years: debt. Now, government officials are faced with some hard choices.
"Whatever It Takes." The Next Level Of Monetary Policy
Central banks have failed in their attempt to create inflation and economic growth. The next strategy could very well be dropping cash out of helicopters!
Here's An Idea - Let's Make The Banks Responsible
Instead of assuming the taxpayers will be there to bail out the banks again, there should be clear lines of responsibility drawn for the next time they go under.
The Problem With Free Trade: There Are Always Losers
It's not that Adam Smith was wrong in what he laid out in "The Wealth of Nations." It's just that "free trade" has become a lot more complicated.
The Windy City Has Reached The Boiling Point
Chicago's public school system is dead broke, and has no way to fund its pension system. Now, the district wants to issue bonds. Investors, don't fall for it!
The Next Bankruptcy To Hit Your Portfolio
If you own a tax free bond fund, listen up! With so many states with huge unpaid balances for their pensions, you might have one heck of a problem.
Amazon Is Taking Over The Globe, And Retailers Should Panic!
As consumers migrate more and more to online shopping, Amazon accounted for nearly half of all online sales over the holidays. In-store retailers can't compete.
Expect Higher Taxes As Earnings Slow
The days of tax revenue growth have come to an end. With falling revenue and government costs on the rise, expect taxpayers to have to make up the difference.
Who (Still) Rides Harleys, Anyway?
Despite Harley's attempts to overcome its demographic hurtle, the company still isn't reaching most segments of the population, meaning earnings are down.
Gas Isn't Even What It Cost In The Great Depression: It's Less!
Adjusted for inflation, the current cost of gas at around $1.96 isn't an all-time low, but it's getting close, and it's cheaper than in the Great Depression!
Hit 'Em Where It Hurts: A Move From Russia's Playbook
Student loan debt is becoming a major issue threatening all taxpayers. And students have little reason to pay them off. Maybe if we took a Russian approach...
It's The Current Boom In The Spending Cycle, But...
From our time-tested demographic research, we know RVs will be a hot sell in the years to come. But dealerships are just one way to ride this spending cycle.
The Looming Retirement Crisis: There Are No Easy Fixes
His firm almost caused the collapse of the U.S. financial system, but Robert C. Merton thinks he has a solution to the American retirement crisis. He doesn't.
Health Care Premiums Shooting Through The Roof? Here's Why
Approximately 3% of Americans are holding up the U.S. health care system, and from the latest spending bill, it's clear Congress has zero regard for them.
This So-Called Rate Hike Is Completely Jerry-Rigged
To actually enforce this interest rate hike, the Fed has to resort to new, largely untested tools, because its historically means of doing so no longer works.
What If The Fed Doesn't Raise Rates?
If the Fed doesn't hike and keeps interest-rate sensitive investors in purgatory, unsure about the direction of monetary policy, the result would be chaos.
97 to 112 of 173 Posts
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