Rodney Johnson | TalkMarkets | Page 8
President at HS Dent Publishing
Contributor's Links: HS Dent
Rodney Johnson writes The Rodney Johnson Report, which is published by HS Dent Publishing. He began his career in financial services on Wall Street in the 1980s with Thomson McKinnon and then Prudential Securities, where he was a bond trader. He started working on projects with Harry Dent in the ...more

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Economic Reporting: It's Just A Big Sensation!
By and large, the data in economic reports means little in and of themselves. But that hasn't stopped the financial media from giving in to the sensationalism.
Petro-Countries Could Introduce A Major Shift In The Markets
Oil-exporting countries are tapping into their sovereign wealth funds, which could ultimately add pressure to higher interest rates and lower stock prices.
This Car Company Gave Its Customers The Ultimate Insult
After lying and cheating on its emissions tests, Volkswagen is offering its customers a gift card - asking them to spend even more money after the scandal.
One Instance Where We Clearly Need Higher Taxes
There's a reason America's infrastructure is in shambles: the way we tax gasoline is completely outdated. Here's a case where we clearly need more tax revenue.
Another Government Agency That Broke Free Of Its Leash
The CFPB accused a bank of a crime it couldn't have committed. Yet another government agency providing solutions to the problems it created.
Grab A Cold One: The Business Cycle Is Winding Down
Historically, mergers and acquisitions reach a high at the end of the business cycle. And that's where they are today. The economy is looking over a cliff.
It Sure Beats Cable
Netflix's online streaming service is revolutionizing the way people view video content, paving the way for independent producers and businesses alike.
Caution: Speed Bump Ahead
Asia's more affluent consumers are careful to choose how they display their wealth, and that's put a dent in this iconic car company's sales.
Negative Interest Rates: The Fed Might Do The Unthinkable
The Fed has achieved some of its goals, but only because its European peers have brutally failed. Most likely, it won't raise rates. They might drop below zero.
The Debt Ceiling Debate: What Congress Should Be Talking About
Instead of debating something that's already been determined, you might think Congress should discuss the larger, more systemic issue threatening us all.
Health Care: There Has Got To Be A Better Way
Don't bother asking a representative who sets these absurdly high insurance rate premiums. They won't tell you. The broken system is shrouded in mystery.
Greece's Bitcoin Debacle: Lying, Cheating, And Corruption
Many Greeks lie about their income to avoid paying taxes. The effort to catch them sheds light on why bitcoin won’t survive in its current form.
Congress Is Proposing Taking Even More Money From Savers
To repair our broken infrastructure, Congress is proposing to fund transportation costs with money the Fed more or less took from savers. No problem, right?
VW's Scandal Comes At A Bad Time For Germany
News of Volkswagen cheating on emissions tests comes at a bad time for Germany, which is already showing signs of economic decline. Losing exports doesn't help.
Retirement Fears In China Are Holding Back Their Economy
The Chinese save - a lot! But the lack of consumption is showing up in the economy, and it isn't good. How will China deal with a wave of people bent on saving?
Another Monetary Authority Oversteps Its Bounds
Be it central banks or elected bodies, it seems like every time they stretch their authority further, we're the ones who pay. But it’s for our own good, right?
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