Managing Principal, Chief Economist and Investment Strategist
Marvin R. Clark is the Managing Principal of Monsoon Wealth Management (MWM). Monsoon offers affluent individuals and business owners’ wealth management, economic, and market advice throughout America. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Monsoon’s ...more



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T Minus One
8 years ago

Happy New Year! Aren't you full of optimism. Whatever happens next, happens next.

In this article: AXP, CS, CVS, GS, HSBC, IBM, PBR, UBS, MYL
A Dodgy Day
9 years ago

Too true. Although, I think full stagflation will not arrive until we are on the other side of the upcoming recession.

In this article: AA, BAC, CP, GS, HTS, JPM, NLY, NSC, TRP, VRX, WFC, YHOO
Japan Has Dropped Back Into Deflation
9 years ago

There will be pushback:

In this article: VLKAF, AAPL, CSCO, GOOG, MSFT, META
Japan Has Dropped Back Into Deflation
9 years ago

Almost the season for what? We have already entered a cyclical bear, too many sectors and too many leaders have broken down, and we are nearer to the next recession than we are to the last recession.

In this article: VLKAF, AAPL, CSCO, GOOG, MSFT, META
Whatever Happened To Optimism ?
9 years ago

If you are right Janet Yellen will have no problem raising interest rates this month.

Fuld Again - Financial Review
9 years ago

I publish Fixed Income Daily. Dr. Noe will appreciate your kind words.(BTW, my acerbic wit isn't chopped liver...)

In this article: ALTR, INTC, JPM
The Sun Might Come Out In 2Q
10 years ago

As always, I value your thoughts and again I agree that a new chapter for the global economy is beginning. Business cycles are never repealed. Politicians and businessmen pretend that they do - until they don't. We will look back on 2008-2015 as the first chapter of the 21st century, waving goodbye nostalgically to those notions, customs, and memes that forged the second half of the 20th century into a golden time, if only in our memories, more so, than our actual experiences.

In this article: AAPL, LL, GOOG, EBAY, YHOO, META
November Jobs Report – Progress Not Perfection
10 years ago

MKW, good to here from you. I agree, the natural business cycle has not been repealed. Eventually, another recession will occur.

In this article: QQQ, DIA, SPY
Game On: Market Day In Review
10 years ago

Dr. K,

Thanks for your kind words. It's easy to write about common sense and facts.


In this article: CVX, XOM, FXE, FXB, SPY, XLE
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