Gary Tanashian of and successfully owned and operated a progressive medical component manufacturing company for 21 years, keeping the company’s fundamentals in alignment with global economic realities ...
more Gary Tanashian of and successfully owned and operated a progressive medical component manufacturing company for 21 years, keeping the company’s fundamentals in alignment with global economic realities through various economic cycles. The natural progression from this experience is an understanding of and appreciation for global macro-economics as it relates to individual markets and sectors. was created solely as a way to help get the message out about deeply rooted problems with too much debt and leverage within the financial system. Our concerns were confirmed and our message proven justified 3 to 4 years later as the system began to purge these distortions, resulting in a climactic washout extending from October, 2008 to March, 2009. Yet ironically enough the URL ‘’ came from the old saying ‘but it is what it is’ and indeed this sentiment addressed the need to remain impartial (bullish or bearish as the situation dictates) despite personal beliefs. Over the long-term, the world changes and any successful market participant must be ready to accept changes or revisions to a given plan. Along the way, a geek-like interest in technical analysis, a long-time interest in human psychology and various unique macro market ratio indicators were added to the mix, with the result being a financial market newsletter (and dynamic interim updates),
Notes From the Rabbit Hole (NFTRH) that combines these attributes to provide a service that is engaged and successful in all market environments by employing risk management first, and opportunity for speculation second.
Latest Comments
Melco Resorts & Entertainment – Time To Cash In Your Chips
Nice article. I am not well educated on this sector, but have had my eye on WYNN. Your article helped connect some dots. Looking forward to more.
Swamp Creatures Sack D.C.; Fed Drops MOAB On Wall St.
I believe the MOAB is because it is clear that we are now in the realm of 'fiscal' policy where before, the Fed had been employing 'monetary' policy. Wax on here and wax off there....
Use This Simple Technique To Make Better Trade Decisions
Often times simpler is better. Good job, David.
Tech Sector Holds The Key
Good to see you too, Candy. I've been asking myself 'correction or corrective consolidation?' for a while now. Seems like you've got the same question in mind.
WTIC: Get Ready To Trade The Departure From $50.00 Per Barrel
Covered a crude oil short today. Not wanting to be greedy.
Tech Sector Holds The Key
Agree with you on this, Candy.
Gold And Unrealistic Expectations - Gold Is Not An Investment
I agree with your view that gold is stable. It does not move; everything around it does. But it is not money where it is not an official medium of exchange. It is an anchor to monetary value though.
Is Cardinal Health A Better Bargain Than Ever?
Very helpful article, given my interest in the medical device market.
Dollar Drivel
It's the same as the John Snow era. "We are in favor of a strong dollar", all the while working against it.
100 Year Bonds In The Trump Era
In the end it's all rearranging deck chairs...