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For over a quarter of a century, professional investor and best-selling author Doug Casey and his team at Casey Research have been helping self-directed investors to earn superior returns through innovative research ...more


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Floating-Rate Funds Poised To Profit As Interest Rates Rise
In addition to their excellent performance in rising-interest-rate periods, floating-rate funds are good for diversification.
What Chimpanzees Can Teach Us About Convertible Bonds
No one—particularly risk-adverse retirees—should ever invest in something they don’t understand. So let me add one more type of investment to your “I know about that” toolbox: convertible bonds.
The World Order Becomes Disorder
So what’s happening with commodity prices now? Is this just another correction, or has the game really changed?
Patterns To Success
The primary unit of time measurement for high-frequency traders might be the microsecond, but for normal retail traders, it’s vital to know the best months, days, and even half-hours of the day to make market transactions.
The “Social Contract” Is A Fraud; Anyone Trying To Enforce It Is Acting Criminally
“Social justice,” for example, is primarily a ruse for penalizing individuals without any finding of fact as to their individual guilt. Whether you actually did anything deserving of penalty is irrelevant… it’s “social.” And if you question the deal, you’re a bad person.
Whether You Love It Or Hate It, You’re Missing What Really Matters About Bitcoin
The real importance of Bitcoin has eluded both people who love Bitcoin and people who hate it.
Uncle Sam, The Bitcoin Mogul
The US federal government may be ladling on more regulations to Bitcoin and making disparaging comments about the cyber-currency, but it’s one of the largest holders of the virtual money in the world.
California Dreamin’
You probably noticed that food prices are up. A hamburger costs 10.3% more than last year, and a hotdog 6.9% more. But that’s nothing compared to the insane price inflation witnessed at this world famous auto show.
Merger Mania! Tech Bubble 2.0, Part 2
Recently, I analyzed the tech market from a valuations perspective and concluded that, while certainly frothy, it isn’t looking as if it’s a true bubble in search of a pin.
Corporations Join Droves Renouncing US Citizenship
For years, the US has been enacting tax policies that sabotage its global economic competitiveness.
Has Google Gone Too Far Forcing Google Hangouts Onto Users? Yes!
It is not uncommon to see companies making foolish moves when feeling threatened. But Google is making the wrong move, and here's why...
How You Can Play To Win When Market Makers Are Calling The Shots
The existence of market makers should affect a few of your trading habits—for thinly traded stocks in particular.
Are We In A New Tech Bubble?
There has been a lot of chatter lately about markets being in the midst of a new technology bubble. Are they really? Alex Daley looks into question.
Stop Investing In Leveraged ETFs
If you think the underlying index or asset class will move in your favor, why shouldn't you buy the turbocharged version—the versions that use leverage (credit) to achieve gains two times higher?
65,000 Marines Hold Up A Mirror To The Economy
What happens if the Fed decides to change course and stop buying government debt and/or raises interest rates? Will the bubble burst?
Dimes On Black And Dynamite On Red
The stock market is a roulette wheel with dimes on black and dynamite on red. John Hussman is extremely concerned about the extent of potential market losses over the completion of the current market cycle.
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