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For over a quarter of a century, professional investor and best-selling author Doug Casey and his team at Casey Research have been helping self-directed investors to earn superior returns through innovative research ...more


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Canada Is Back In Black
Unconventional technologies have unlocked the oil and gas within the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Casey's Marin Katusa believes that Canadian E&P companies have plenty of room to deliver exceptional shareholder value.
Book Review: Hormegeddon
Is our civilization suffering from too much of many good things and headed for a catastrophic correction or collapse?
Getting The Most Value From Your “Geriatric Cruiser”
Romancing the car, for you automobile lovers, and the rest of us who just want a practical car-buying strategy.
Microsoft’s Mobile Comeback: Fantasy Or Possibility?
Can Microsoft rise from the ashes and find another multibillion-dollar business to add to its stable?
How To Play The M&A Revival For Extraordinary Profits
here’s no sugarcoating it: 2013 was one of the worst years for mining industry mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in nearly a decade.
Dangerous Best Intentions
Those of us who believe in liberty often think the people running government must know what they do is evil. They couldn’t possibly be stupid or naive enough to honestly believe what they are doing is right.
Drums Of War In The Cloud
Two of the most-anticipated IPOs that were expected this tech year are Box and Dropbox. There’s been plenty of buzz, but so far no honey. Neither company seems inclined to move quickly to raise its expected boatload of money.
Bill Bonner: In The Hands Of Economists, The More Precise The Number, The Bigger The Lie.
There was a time when economists were not so conceited, not so bold and arrogant, not so ambitious… and not such dumbbells.
A Bridge Party And A Trip Through TSA—When Stock Diversification Gets Out Of Hand
If your portfolio looks like a bridge party among pals who’ve known each other just a tad too long you’re in trouble.
US Sanctions On Russia Are Already Backfiring On Americans
Overall, the most recent sanctions from the US and EU on Russia are the toughest to date. But the sanctions imposed by the EU differ in many respects from those that Obama has authorized.
Gold And Silver Headlines
A second significant mine tailings spill within a week, this time in Mexico, follows headline-grabbing news of a tailings breach at Imperial Metals’ Mount Polley mine in British Columbia.
Top 7 Reasons I’m Buying Silver Now
The drugs of choice for governments—money printing, deficit spending, and nonstop debt increases—have proved too addictive for world leaders to break their habits.
And The Credit For Defeating Slavery In America Goes To… Criminals!
Forget protecting and serving; we’re all potential bad guys in the eyes of the law that looks to jail us, fine us, and seize our property for profit.
When Nature Talks, Technologists Listen
In 1941, Swiss engineer George de Mestral had his “Eureka!” moment. He was walking through the woods while on a hunting trip in the Alps when he noticed that he and his dog were both covered in burrs.
How Too Much Of A Good Thing Leads To Disaster
Bill’s people have kindly allowed me to share an extended excerpt of his new book Hormegeddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster with you.
Why Coal Isn’t Going Away
Coal plays an integral role in keeping the lights on and buildings standing. Despite the green energy movement, more than 40% the world’s electricity still comes from coal-fired plants; 70% of the world’s steel production requires metallurgical coal.
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