Blogger & Retired Russell 2000 E-mini Futures Day Trader
Blogger and retired Russell 2000 E-mini Futures Day Trader. I was first introduced into the world of trading when I took an options course in Porlock, England in involved buying options on the FTSE 100 Index. The instructor was a Scottish fellow named Jock. He was very amusing and ...more



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S&P 500 Futures Index Approaching Bearish Head & Shoulders Neckline
3 years ago

N.B. See important UPDATE on my Blog at this link.

Alligator Crossing On The S&P 500 E-Mini Futures Index
4 years ago

Mr. Brown, I have since added 2 words in my post to make it clear I was talking about Russians attacking these things in America, NOT in Russia. And you do NOT have my permission to put words in my mouth which I clearly did not say in my post (re: your last sentence)...if I'd meant to say that, I would have said it, but I did not.

In this article: SPX
Twitter Knocked Off Its #1 App Perch
4 years ago

It's a free social media platform...many Conservatives (journalists, politicians, etc.) have signed on who are fed up with Twitter's censoring practices (especially the last several days), although anyone can sign up and check it only takes a couple of minutes. You can make it a public or private account in the Settings & Privacy section. It functions very much like the Twitter platform...easy to use.

Twitter Knocked Off Its #1 App Perch
4 years ago

Thanks, colours & styles come & go rather quickly for me. :-)

President Trump's Legacy: In The Making...
5 years ago


To appears that the "Wall Street Powers-That-Be" have not been encumbered by negative emotions about Trump, nor have they stopped to second-guess (or examine in detail) the soundness of his numerous deals and executive orders that he's completed during the past 3 years. Instead, it seems they're satisfied that they ARE concluded, thereby eliminating indecision, which seems to have more of a crippling impact on their decision-making in the markets.

So, watch for an ATR spike, or a series of spikes, on the SPX monthly chart as a potential signal that "TPTB" have, either, lost faith in the President, or that an outside unforeseen event is triggering a market turnaround.

In other words, follow the money. And ATR spikes (with an input value of one period) may provide a clue as to turnaround points and where money may be headed. This is something I've been monitoring on ETFs for approximately the past 10 years...seems to be a good tool to have in one's kit.

SPX: What's In Store For The 2020s And 2030s?
5 years ago

Thx, Susan...Happy New Year!

In this article: SPX
SPX: What's In Store For The 2020s And 2030s?
5 years ago

And, as I mentioned in my post of December 24, one-day $34.4 Billion U.S. retail sales were made and global markets gained $17 Trillion (21.68%) this year.

In this article: SPX
SPX: What's In Store For The 2020s And 2030s?
5 years ago

By the way, the SPX managed to hit my Q4 target of 3233 by the end of this year, as I forecast in my post of September 29.

In this article: SPX
Light Crude Oil Breakout Imminent
5 years ago

You're welcome...please check back periodically, as more updates are added as news emerges.

In this article: USO
Light Crude Oil Breakout Imminent
5 years ago

N.B. Check out my Blog for important UPDATES I've added to this

In this article: USO
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