Yohay Elam - Comments
Contributor's Links: Forex Crunch
Yohay Elam has been into forex trading for over 5 years, and shares the experience and the knowledge accumulated after taking a short course about forex. Like many forex traders, Elam has earned the significant share of his knowledge the hard way. Macroeconomics, the impact of news on the ...more
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USD/JPY Takes A Dive And May Continue Lower – Forecast March 26-30
6 years ago

At some point, but in the near future the dollar is under pressure.

Clinton Wins Debate – Markets Cheer, USD/JPY Rises
8 years ago

Thanks for your comments. It is isn't only the CNN poll but also the reaction in financial markets and the analysis of pundits, which has an influence as well. The critical question is: did the debate move voting intentions? We will get post-debate polls tomorrow and throughout the weekend. The race is certainly close.

In this article: JYNFF
NFP Nightmare, Judging Japan And Natural Gas
9 years ago

Thanks Charles! You´re welcome to follow us and hear the podcasts.

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