Moon Kil Woong - Comments
Executive Officer at SME
Moon Kil Woong is currently a VP at a SME. Previously he was a tech stock consultant, VP of Research at ING, and sell side Director at Crédit Agricole Indosuez. Moon Kil Woong has a Masters in Public Administration from SJSU. He contributes to both TalkMarkets and Seeking Alpha. You ...more
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Wall Street At Work Aggravating Risk—-Would You Like Some Leverage On Them Junk Bonds!
10 years ago
The word we don't hear much of these days are illiquid which are exactly what junk bonds will get to very quickly in either another downturn or if inflation starts shoving up interest rates. Sadly, those holding these piles of junk will be getting exactly what you get for taking inordinate amounts of risk without realizing the risk. If they leveraged to buy them they may soon end up without the asset they used to leverage them on in the first place. It shows, nothing much has changed since the last downturn.
Fantasy About US Recovery Is Not Going To Materialize
10 years ago
Nothing new, but a generally accurate assessment of the market. Given the Federal Reserve's commitment to ease until government inflation numbers spike, even if it has no effect but to enrich those it provides liquidity to, I still hold that the market downturn is looking to be next year even though information is showing that even with the extraordinary low rates and socialistic financing of housing through the government and the Federal Reserve who provides liquidity to Fannnie and Freddie buy buying anything they can from them is failing. This behavior has stimulated abstract asset allocation into the stock market, junk bonds, and encouraged even more building in an already saturated property market. The US economy gets further and further off true capitalism's course at every passing day. To reject this fiscal negligence and embrace the means to real economic recuperation gets harder at each passing day. When this will happen is a guess because true capitalism's market signaling has already been undermined and the public has learned to become dependent on government and central bank action just like any socialist country. It is pitiful to watch.
Undeclared War On Russia; Solidarity By Force; Ruble Falls To Record Low; Sanctions Target Private Companies
10 years ago
Please, Russia started real war by sending in forces to kill others in a country that didn't want or ask for them. The sanctions are an extremely weak response and don't amount to anything close to war. If anything, the fact Russia hasn't deviated from their slow chokehold on Ukraine which they have already taken a part of, proves that sanctions aren't war. If anything, they are a flag of almost unconditional surrender.
Meet The Bubblebusters: Federal Reserve Launches A Committee To "Avoid Asset Bubbles"
10 years ago
It's less like a committee to spot bubbles and more like a liar's team committed to preserving the illusion of stability.
In this article: AAPL
Russian Retaliation Begins: Gazprom "Limiting EU Gas", Cuts Poland Supplies By 24% In Past Two Days
10 years ago
As with all business, Russia will rue the day it snubs its customers. All it does is speed up the build out of competing lines and infrastructure. Russia will lose its ability to hold these countries hostage with gas and oil again.
In this article: OGZPY
The Week Ahead: Calm Before The Storm
10 years ago
Wonderful, anti-capitalistic liquidity will raise its ugly head in Europe as well. The good news for them is that there is little inflation and already no growth. The sad fact though, is that there won't be much growth for decades as it falls into the money printing hole Japan and the US is falling into. QE = the destabilization and eventual ruin of capitalistic logic. BTW it is funny for their to be penalties for holding money. It shows how capitalism has already been turned completely on its head.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Bubble On Through M&A's And IPO's
10 years ago
It is not easy to crash the easy money, dead economy flow, mainly because it rips apart conventional economics, second of all the flow directed to the connected doesn't reach the masses which write in suffering. This shutters inflation and allows the flow to continue. The issue is that this enriching liquidity goes to the wrong people and doesn't come from creation of goods or services but straight debt (US government) or a trick by the Federal Reserve who is allowed to convert assets to liquidity for whoever they wish to enrich. So what causes an end to this? When greed exceeds the ability to create even more. When the public realizes what's going on and stops it. Or when the market's can't finance the burgeoning debt and the central bank becomes so leveraged further liquidity strains their credibility. So what will cause the collapse of this wreched system? The 3rd of course. Already the Federal Reserve is leveraged like a out of control brokerage house and the attraction for US debt is only around due to crisis around the world. Even so, the Federal Reserve still must step in to consume the excess US debt issue and keep rates low. We already see cracks in this system and the Federal Reserve is signaling they can't finance a new round of QE as is. Although they might if we get a collapse, even though it is very unwise. A country where the only liquidity rests in banks and they increasingly own everything is stepping ever so close to communism, especially when the money is not made by providing goods and services and owning capital is irrelevant since money is made, not earned. The next downturn is in essence will be the result of our continuation down out of capitalism into socialist hell. Even tech can't save us from that.
In this article: NDX, SPX, VIX
TransTech Digest: Godzilla, Zombies, And Cultural Coping Mechanisms
10 years ago
LOL, Alzheimer's may drain money and time from family members but it's a conscious decision based on love and family devotion. Scarier, larger, unavoidable, and corrupting in TBTF banks and their parent the Federal Reserve that have already zombified the economy, addicted the free market system to artificial liquidity that it can't get off of, denied older people returns on their money that covers their risk let alone inflation, destroys land by repossessing it and then letting it rot on their balance sheet since they can claim it at the price they bought it as long as they don't rent or sell it devaluating the neighborhoods it rests on as well. The simple fact of zombies is that they are slow, dumb, destructive, and won't die. Even though they have so many disadvantages they wouldn't be a problem or even survive regularly, given immortality and absolved of the effects of their self-destructive ways they eventually crowd out everything living and are unavoidable as they engulf the world much like the central bank is doing with QE and its slew of TBTF zombies that blight our economy and prevent any recovery. Eventually, like all horror stories, it gets much worse the longer it plays out.
The 1 Reason Why Freemium Games Are Exploding On Desktop But Getting Crushed On Mobile
10 years ago
This dynamic is good, paying to win games and get cheats is pathetic and companies that encourage this are teaching kids the wrong thing. In some places in Asia they bar such "enticements" as unsavory and encouraging bad behavior. I must agree. Angry Birds deserve their fall from grace.
In this article: ZNGA
Corporations Join Droves Renouncing US Citizenship
10 years ago
Although this is a natural reaction to high taxation, it is looked upon as abhorrent for being unfair and unpatriotic. Sadly, this is as unpatriotic as US politicians that are slowly destroying capitalism and ruining the US through devastating overspending for decades on end. A thing to point out though is, those careful enough to get on politicians good side pay considerably less taxes through special deals and there are numerous tax loopholes created for wealthy individuals as well. This only adds to the amount the average person and company must pay. Of course, average citizens pay more capital gains tax because they are stupid enough to listen to their broker who tells them not to buy stock and hold it, but to buy mutual funds and ETFs where you pay tax on theoretical gains every year you make them, but that's a whole nother ball of wax. Needless to say, this is a problem caused by people at fault on both sides who care nothing about the effects it has on US citizens or the US economy. Politicians, bureaucrats, and tax dodging companies and individuals are all to blame. Rather than acknowledge this they try to excise themselves from blame by blaming the other equally culpable party.
In this article: CVS, MCD, MDT, OMC, PFE, WAG (NOW WBA)
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