Kevin Muir | TalkMarkets | Page 11
Private Investor
Contributor's Links: The Macro Tourist Where Is Beeks?
I am a private investor who used to work for a big Canadian bank as a derivative index trader. I have been writing a journal for myself for many years. From time to time I have shared these posts with colleagues and friends on my site, The Macro Tourist. ...more


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Passive Should Never Laugh At Active
The passive manager’s very existence relies on fundamental investors keeping markets efficient. You can’t claim the market is too efficient to beat, therefore you shouldn’t try, and then laugh at everyone who does.
Buying The Steepener For A Trade
In the coming years, I believe the yield curve steepener has the potential to be one of the all-time great trades.
Can Someone Please Help Me With The Timing?
So far the yield curve steepening prediction has proved to be nothing but a world of pain.
The Winners Of The New World Redux
Owning an asset regardless of price is what created the dotcom bubble. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now. Chasing momentum after an epic 5-year monster bull run, regardless of how compelling the narrative, is not my idea of smart investing.
The Quiet Bull Market Everyone Is Skeptical Of
Japan is quietly knocking up against 20-year highs. Since the start of Abenomics, the Nikkei has been tied to the hip of the Yen. The BoJ floods the system with Yen, this causes the value of the Yen to go down, and Japanese stocks get a bid.
The Bears Are Capitulating And Accepting The Inevitability Of The Central Bank
We have the bears capitulating and accepting the inevitability of the Central Bank buying pushing up asset prices, at the very moment magazine covers are shouting about the “bull market in everything.”
There Are No Atheists In Foxholes
Longer term, I am a US dollar bear, so it was difficult for me to pull the trigger on the long side. Since then the US dollar has rallied, but even more importantly, precious metals have stunk up the joint.
The True Danger Ahead
I think the biggest risk in the market is the belief that this negatively correlated relationship between stocks and bonds offer the last “free arbitrage.” Nothing is for free.
Mystery Spot Top
Everyone complains Central Banks are busy propping up the value of equities through their quantitative easing, but why aren’t they worried about the conditions that will bring about the end of those programs?
Just Because The Hedge Fund Wise Guys Have Forgotten
Global deflation was exported to Japan. And just when things couldn’t get worse, Japan was hit by the tsunami / nuclear disaster. This caused a spike in the USD/JPY rate down to 75, with the Yen hitting an all-time high value against the US dollar.
Still One Of My Favourite Trades
Many European stock market bulls might take pause at the recent developments in Germany, as long as it sends the Euro lower, that’s all that matters.
It's Not Too Late
There have been a handful of hot tech stocks that have driven this rally of the past few years.
Friday Farrago
The Canadian economy might in fact be due for a big wake-up call, but make sure you compare apples to apples when looking at our debt load.
Well, That's Not What I Expected
I don’t know if this is just post-FOMC noise, or the market’s collective opinion about where Fed policy is headed. If I had to guess, I would say it is not nearly so well thought out.
US Dollar: Fall Guy
I am not sure what the catalyst will be for a US dollar move to the upside. Maybe it is a Fed that returns to their relatively hawkish ways. Maybe it will be an ECB that somehow manages to get the Euro to stop rising.
The Most Overpriced Asset In The World?
Is shorting the Schatz really the best trade on the board? Will Hendry ultimately be proven correct?
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