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Mauldin Economics, Millennium Wave Investments
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Each week, well over a million readers turn to John Mauldin to better understand Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. And for good reason. John is a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one ...more

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A Sticky Last Mile
Progress toward a goal usually isn’t linear. The first 50% isn’t too bad, the next 40% is harder, and the last 10% consumes most of the effort and resources. Business strategists call this the “last mile” problem… and it applies to inflation, too.
Going, Not Gone
I can simplify it for you. The inflation picture is getting better, but we still have too much of it. Inflation is going but not gone, and it probably won’t be gone anytime soon. Today, I’ll tell you why.
Meditations On Independence
After the ruling we began to have discussions and I decided July 4 is indeed a good time to write about it, because it has economic implications in addition to the legal consequences.
Debtors And Creditors
The giant federal debt we’ve been talking about isn’t just borrowed money. It is also lent money. Loans are two-party transactions. One side receives temporary use of cash which it agrees to repay with interest.
This Time Is (Not) Different
History shows over and over that in a debt crisis, everything is fine and then it’s not. The transitions happen fast.
The Coming Supercyclical Crisis
You know I’m highly concerned about government debt in the developed world, particularly the US. I’ve said for years a crisis is coming. We’ve blown right past all our chances to avoid it.
Geopolitical Breakdown
Every country has its own interests, which of course its government must defend. The fact that the whole world isn’t at constant, open warfare is one of the modern era’s greatest achievements.
Artificially Intelligent
When new inventions turn into market frenzies, the contrarian part of me wants to be skeptical. But the optimistic part of me wants it to be true, especially when the idea promises to change life for the better.
An Inflation Conversation
Sometimes two seemingly opposite things can be true at the same time. Right now, we can correctly say inflation is both a) better than it was and b) higher than it should be.
Chinese Exceptionalism
Any way you care to measure it, the United States has the world’s largest economy. It is not, however, the fastest-growing economy.
Liminal Space
I’m entering my annual post-SIC decompression period. I say that only half-jokingly. The last two weeks were my version of a dive deep into the sea, where you see shocking things and endure crushing pressure.
When Absolute Returns Are Not Absolute
This week is part two of our conversation about alternative investments. As I pointed out last week, this space has evolved into a distinct asset class of its own.
There Is No Alternative
Today, we look at the world of “alternative investing.” I put it in quotes because this was originally a somewhat pejorative term.
Dividends On Offense
This week continues our series on dividends and dividend growth stocks. This is one part of my strategy to try to get through what I see as a coming crisis by the end of the decade with as much of my buying power as intact as possible.
Crisis Cycle Investing
Last year I wrote a series of letters reviewing different ideas of repeatable cycles in history. All four authors I reviewed, and your humble analyst, all foresee a major crisis/upheaval coming around the end of this decade.
Monetary Dilemma
Leaders take a lot of criticism. In fact, that’s part of the job. Presidents, governors, CEOs, coaches, other top decision makers and even your humble analyst all have to answer for what happens on their watch—even when it’s not their fault.
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