James Hanshaw - Comments
Private Investor
I am retired apart from managing family investments - mostly equities. I live near Zurich, Switzerland. I keep physically fit by walking and mentally fit with an art hobby and by writing on philosophy, economics and politics as related to cleaning up our polluted planet. My writings are published ...more
Latest Comments
Making Returns In The Roaring Twenties In Asia
10 months ago

Thank you for that. I had heard of Sany before but not the others. I shall stick with CAT as it is trustable and global.  I also like its power generation products because there will be an increasing need for those given the mess the power systems are in in much of the west.   https://www.cat.com/en_US/products/new/power-systems/electric-power.html  Bye. James 

Making Returns In The Roaring Twenties In Asia
10 months ago

Thank you for that. I had heard of Sany before but not the others. I shall stick with CAT as it is trustable and global.  I also like its power generation products because there will be an increasing need for those given the mess the power systems are in in much of the west.   https://www.cat.com/en_US/products/new/power-systems/electric-power.html  Bye. James 

Making Returns In The Roaring Twenties In Asia
10 months ago

I agree with much of what you say but try to seek a balance because some good for many has come from China's rise on the world stage.

Some of that rise was helped by top US universties where many PhD students were and still are Chinese. Many go home to aid China's growth. 

I mention in my article that I have no investments in China.  I had my fingers burnt by ten Chinese companies listed in the US that disappeared with investors money. Once burnt = twice shy. I was ten times burnt!

Over 60% of my investments are in US companies listed on the NYSE.  Some of that is in US natural gas producers and in LNG exporters and China buys lots of that.  

Thank you for reading and adding good points to my article. James 

Making Returns In The Roaring Twenties In Asia
10 months ago

Many top US firms have found it good for them. Apple gets most of its products made there. 

Many Chinese people use the wealth to take holidays in the US etc

T’Winners From The Deferred Energy Crisis
10 months ago

Sorry I did not reply.  The markets have over reacted to many things in my view and so I am buying more Chart today. 

I suspect the next results release in February will be well received.

The other company I featured in the article remains a safe if unexciting buy.  James  

Making Returns In The Return Of The Roaring Twenties
10 months ago

Yet more things are roaring in the 2020s!


In this article: MYRG
Toward China's Soft Rebound
11 months ago

Thank you,  I thought I had! James 

In this article: MCHI
Toward China's Soft Rebound
11 months ago


In this article: MCHI
Toward China's Soft Rebound
11 months ago

Excellent article. One of the best I have seen on TM. 

My own recent thoughts - if proved correct - will add improvements to China's and much of rest of the world economies;

In this article: MCHI
What’s New For Natural Gas?
11 months ago

Why are these movements happenning? 

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