Dr. Paul Price - Comments
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Paul was seduced into the market in the late 1970s. His passion for investing led him to change careers in April of 1987 when he joined Merrill Lynch as a financial advisor. Over the next thirteen years, Paul achieved excellent results for himself and his clients at Merrill Lynch, A.G. Edwards, ...more
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Which One Of These Is Not Like The Other?
10 years ago
Our government is lying to the public about almost everything these days. The mainstream media makes it possible by not challenging the assertions as you just did.
Podcast: The Legality Of Using Eminent Domain To Stem Foreclosures
10 years ago
Taking mortgages away from thier rightful owners without consent is immoral and should be illegal. It represents government abuse and denial of property rights.
Why It Doesn't Matter How Many Obamacare Enrolless Were Uninsured Last Year
10 years ago
Costs cannot decline for everybody. Many people have to pay extra to provide 'free' coverage to others. Many of the bronze plans have maximum out of pocket costs of $6,500 per year, which can nevre be paid by most of the people buying the plans. The ACA is a piece of sh*t menat to destroy the present system while causing so much pain and disruption that only 'single payer' can 'fix' it. It will bring horrible, medicaid-quality care to those who have had good care previously. It will increase costs greatly while it enriches laywers and politicians.
Why It Doesn't Matter How Many Obamacare Enrolless Were Uninsured Last Year
10 years ago
Failure to do cost/benefit analysis on the ACA makes this article's arguments total garbage.
Household Net Worth: The "Real" Story
11 years ago
Doug, It appears you're simply pointing out that household net worth advanced more than it deserved to in the first half of 2007 and that we've now come back to 'right on trend'. What's bad about that? No one should expect to keep gains that were undeserved to begin with. Stocks might not be worth as much as their nominal value versus seven years earlier. The buying power of cash is not was it was back in 2007 either. Where's the beef?
Ignorance, Sometimes Better Than Bliss
11 years ago
The new issue wasd bumped up to $3.5 billion due to huge demand. The new paper was trading up about 3% in the early going.
Usurious Returns On Phantom Money: The Credit Card Gravy Train
11 years ago
Very insightful.
In this article: AXP, DFS, MA, V
Risky Business: The Economic Impact Of Climate Change
11 years ago
The idea/audacity that man can control the forces of nature is absurd as trying to legislate the oceans' tides. Fluctuations in temperature have always happened and will continue to take place. Throwing billions or trillions of dollars into trying to stop the inevitable is a waste of human resources.
In The Spirit Of Martin Luther King Jr.: Reflections On Income Inequality
11 years ago
Doug, What is the difference in pay adjusted for educational levels and hours worked? Without that the data are meaningless. Uneducated whites make much less than other whites that have attained advanced degrees. Enterpreneurs who devote 60 - 80 hours to their jobs figure to earn more than 'punch the clock' rank and file workers regardless of race.
Fast Facts – Bad Seasonal Adjustment Misleads Market, Confuses Traders (and Reporters) On Jobs
11 years ago
My guess is that Ms. Yellen wanted to show lower headline numbers so that she has cover for 'tapering' of the taper program. Now she can stop the reductions in the the Fed's bond buying activities and blame the "weakening jobs picture".
11 to 20 of 24 comments