Brian Romanchuk | TalkMarkets | Page 3
Consultant & Author
Contributor's Links: Bond Econonmics
I have 15 years of experience as a senior quantitative analyst in fixed income. I specialized in the development of research systems and analytics. Currently a consultant and blogger. I have a B.Eng. in electrical engineering from McGill University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in ...more

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The Fed's Dovish Hike And Banking Issues
It is hard to get too excited about problems in banks that can be recapitalized quite easily, or even absorbed by larger banks. Instead, there still seem to be ripple effects in European banks from the takedown of Credit Suisse.
Narrow Banking: A Bad Solution To A Non-Existent Problem
Narrow banking is a concept for a bank that holds 100% reserves against deposits.
Primer: American Bank Insolvency Losses
A basic introduction to insolvency (bankruptcy), as well as a discussion of the principles of how losses are apportioned to the various classes of creditors of American banks.
Oh No, Panic In Silicon Valley
The American Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation made the unusual step of shutting down the flailing Silicon Valley Bank during business hours on Friday. I do not want to talk about what led it to that outcome. Rather, I want to discuss contagion.
Debt/GDP Ratio: Beware "Real Analysis"
The public debt-to-GDP ratio went from 135% in 2020Q2 to 120% in 2022Q3 (latest figure on FRED).
Financial Markets And Inflation
There are some areas of direct linkage between inflation (as measured by a consumer price index) and some financial assets, while other assets have a more complex relationship.
Government Bonds As Money
The problem with defining “money” based on its roles is that everyone needs to agree with what properties “money” is supposed to have, and whether real-world instruments exhibit that property.
MMT After The Pandemic Shock
The path of least resistance for academic macroeconomics is to keep doing exactly what they have been doing since the 1980s to keep publications flowing.
Inflation Index Calculation Basics
The real world is complicated and not all prices change by the same percentage amount each month. We need to assign a weighting to prices to see how much they contribute to the overall (sub-)index movement.
Core Inflation Woes
The Fed convinced itself that the core (ex-food and energy) personal consumption expenditure is the best measure of “underlying” inflation.
MMT And Banking
“Private money” (including bank deposits) are ultimately claims on “government money” within a fiat currency economy. 
The Return Of The Debt Ceiling (Again)
It is safe to say that the debt ceiling drama will go on for a long time.
Basis Point Usage
Basis points are reserved for differences of percentages (yields). These are either spreads between instruments or changes in the yield of a single instrument (which is a spread over time).
The problem in the 1970s was not that inflation went up continuously, rather the underlying trend across cycles was higher.
The Difficulty Of Modelling Banking
Banking is an ongoing area of controversy in popular discussion of economics and finance.
Yield Curve Control Sustainability
From the perspective of MMT proponents, the ideal case is that Japan embraces MMT and seriously considers alternative policy frameworks to control inflation.
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