The Price Of Gold Is Irrelevant

Gold, Ingots, Treasure, Bullion, Gold Bars, Wealth

Image Source: Pixabay

Price Of Gold Is Not About Gold

Attempts to analyze and value gold are superfluous. Gold’s value – its use as money – has already been established. That value is constant and unquestioned.

The price of gold does not tell us anything about gold or its value. The gold price tells us only how much purchasing power the U.S. dollar has lost – nothing else.

Video Length: 00:03:24

More By This Author:

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Gold At $4000 - What Will It Take?

Kelsey Williams Is The Author Of Two Books: Inflation, What It Is, What It Isn't, And Who's Responsible For It And  more

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George Lipton 11 months ago Member's comment

Great as always, thanks Kelsey.

Kelsey Williams 11 months ago Contributor's comment

Thank you!