I don't understand how any one would ever have a bank account with Wells Fargo ever again. Nor can I understand how their employees who were behind the fraud are not in prison. Seems like Wall Street always gets a slap on the wrist, even when stealing millions or billions. But a regular joe who commits a minor crime. And if he's black, he could end up dead during the initial arrest! $WFC
It was the same with Wells Fargo $WFC. Both management and employees were involved with their scandal and the employees that spoke up were fired. So this does still happen.
As long as the rewards #bankers reap for breaking the law, far outpace any penalties they may incur, this horrendous behavior will continue. #wellsfargo$WFC$DB$HSBC
Wells Fargo Labors Under $100 Bln Sin Discount
Good read. Scharf has the company going in the right direction. Bullish on $WFC.
Not A Strong Finish For Stocks On March 19
Agreed. I think $WFC will revisit 33-35 soon.
What Will Q2 Bank Earnings Reveal?
I don't understand how any one would ever have a bank account with Wells Fargo ever again. Nor can I understand how their employees who were behind the fraud are not in prison. Seems like Wall Street always gets a slap on the wrist, even when stealing millions or billions. But a regular joe who commits a minor crime. And if he's black, he could end up dead during the initial arrest! $WFC
Wells Fargo Settles Cases Related To Shady Sales Practices
The question is, will these fines teach Wells Fargo learn to not pull these stunts again. $WFC
Dealing With Employment Issues
It was the same with Wells Fargo $WFC. Both management and employees were involved with their scandal and the employees that spoke up were fired. So this does still happen.
Five Companies Whose Litigation Could Affect Their Bottom Line
I was certainly familiar with the $WFC and $VLKAF fiascos, but the rest of these were news to me. Thanks for making me aware.
Wells Fargo CEO Faces Senate 'Grilling' - Live Feed
Difficult questions for #WellsFargo to answer. Expect $WFC to crash and burn.
Wells Fargo CEO Faces Senate 'Grilling' - Live Feed
Excellent speech by #Elizabeth Warren. $WFC
Wells Fargo CEO Faces Senate 'Grilling' - Live Feed
Go #ElizabethWarren! Give #WellsFargo hell. $WFC
Why the Latest Big Bank Scandal Is Worse Than Usual
As long as the rewards #bankers reap for breaking the law, far outpace any penalties they may incur, this horrendous behavior will continue. #wellsfargo $WFC $DB $HSBC