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Trade Alert: Being Tactical About Tesla
Article By: David Pinsen
Thursday, July 11, 2024 7:04 AM EDT
Our trade today is a bet that Tesla pulls back about 3% by the end of next week. If we’re right, we’ll make a profit of about 150% on the money we risk.
In this article: TSLA
Stocks Reach 1998 To 2000 Bubble- Like Levels
Article By: Michael J. Kramer
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 8:45 PM EDT
Today, the S&P 500, starting at the October 2022 lows, has exceeded the gains seen in the S&P 500, beginning in October 1998, over a similar period.
A High-Stakes Game Of 'Guess The Future'
Article By: Stephen Innes
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 7:25 PM EDT
Tesla has hit its 11th consecutive daily gain on what can only be called a triumphant "hump day."
In this article: TSLA, SPX
Stock Fragility Is The Highest On Record
Article By: Tyler Durden
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 7:05 PM EDT
Tech companies in the Top 50 largest stocks of the S&P have realized bigger moves on earnings than the cost of their respective weekly straddles more than 60% of the time this year, with the 10 largest tech companies seeing this hit rate reach 70%.
How Tesla Energy Can Play A Big Role In The Company’s Evolution Beyond Cars
Article By: The Tokenist
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 2:36 PM EDT
Tesla is slowly evolving from a pure-play EV company but only one division has a large revenue footprint so far.
In this article: TSLA

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Einhorn Says Tesla Once Again "On Brink of Failure"
Barry Hochhauser 4/14/2019 1:34:31 PM

#Tesla is always on "the brink of failure." Yet always pulls through. $TSLA

Tesla's China Sales Plunge 70% In October
Duanne Johnson 11/27/2018 5:29:40 PM

Ouch! #Tesla has been too much of a roller coaster ride for me the past few months. It's becoming too volatile for me to hold. $TSLA

Tesla Model 3 Delivery Horror Stories Keep Coming In
Charles Howard 11/22/2018 6:52:03 PM

I agree. There's enough sensationalism around #Tesla and #Musk lately without needing to exaggerate the headline as Zerohedge so often does. $TSLA

Tesla Shares Tumble As Judge Asks SEC To Justify Musk's Sweetheart Deal
Alexa Graham 10/4/2018 6:10:16 PM

#Musk rejected the deal so that's not the reason. But again he rejected the deal so lawsuit is back. THAT'S why $TSLA is down.

The Regulatory Roaches In Tesla’s ZEV Credit Soup
Bill Johnson 9/25/2018 11:40:39 AM

Thanks for this important update on $TSLA.

Is Tesla Counting on a Billion Dollar Regulatory Credit Bonanza?
Kurt Benson 9/20/2018 12:32:08 PM

At one time #GM had over 100,000 in tax credits for large SUVs like Hummers. Why don't you put tax credits into perspective so it does not sound like #Tesla is taking taxpayers' money! $GM $TSLA

Tesla Stock Slumps As Saudis Invest In EV Rival
Beating Buffett 9/20/2018 12:21:32 PM

While #Tesla took a hit, it has since recovered nicely. $TSLA

Tesla Stock Slumps As Saudis Invest In EV Rival
Ayelet Wolf 9/20/2018 10:31:26 AM

Didn't a Saudi Group already buy 5% of #Tesla? $TSLA

The Time Has Come For Apple To Buy Tesla
Investment Works 9/3/2018 6:14:02 PM

You're right that the case is more clear for $TSLA than for $AAPL.

I think for $AAPL, it boils down to the progress of Project Titan --their automotive program.

It Titan is in better shape than the consensus belief, then they may do well to pass on the opportunity. Although I'm very skeptical of Titan. Even if they are developing a 1st class self-driving solution consisting of sensors, chips and SW, it would be the first time they don't take full control of the overall product --the car.

Also, EV brand authenticity belongs to Tesla. It is too late for Apple to develop the brand power it has on handheld devices in EV, IMO.

The Time Has Come For Apple To Buy Tesla
Dick Kaplan 8/23/2018 2:09:35 PM

This is a fascinating article and an Apple/Tesla partnership or merger would create a formidable presence in this space. But while it's clear why #Tesla and #Musk are in desperate need of a white night to sweep in and save the day, I don't believe you've made the case for how this would benefit #Apple or #TimCook. $TSLA $AAPL

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