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Barnes & Noble, Inc. (BKS): Book It?
Bruce Powers 9/16/2016 5:29:55 PM

#Amazon started out as a book seller only. It's growth exploded once the company diversified. Why doesn't B&N do that also? Additionally, I believe I heard that Amazon is going to open brick and mortar stores, won't that be a major threat to B&N? $BKS $AMZN

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (BKS): Book It?
Ayelet Wolf 9/16/2016 5:28:51 PM

That's an excellent point @[Jonathan Caplan](user:25301), a very similar situation indeed. And the fact that B&N was the only major book seller to survive should only strengthen the company $BKS $AMZN.

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (BKS): Book It?
Dick Kaplan 9/15/2016 9:56:38 PM

Yes, some good points here worth digesting. I agree with @[Mitch Reynolds](user:32483) that B&N will never be the next #Amazon $AMZN. But that just gives credence to @[Jonathan Caplan](user:25301)'s case that $BKS may be getting overlooked and could be an undervalued stock. I'll be giving it a deeper look.

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (BKS): Book It?
Mike Nolan 9/14/2016 5:48:14 AM

That's a valid point Mitch. I have some friends who go to Barnes & Noble to peruse books, then order them from #Amazon right from their mobile devices, and get that same book later in the day. $BKS $AMZN

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (BKS): Book It?
Mitch Reynolds 9/14/2016 5:46:31 AM

I just don't see how $BKS can ever hope to compete with power houses such as #Amazon. Barnes & Noble has much higher costs due to having to maintain brick and mortar stores. And now that $AMZN is offering same day delivery on many items, they are eating away at one of the few competitive advantages that $BKS could offer - getting items right away.

Wal-Mart And How Does The Combination Compare With Amazon?
Alpha Stockman 8/17/2016 10:07:29 PM

@[Don Dion](user:18204), you are wise to be cautious. You right that it will take time for #Walmart to see any benefit. Plus, as I just said on @[Leigh Drogen](user:5239)'s similar article here:, Jet is no Amazon!

#jet #walmart #amzn $WMT $AMZN

Will Save Walmart from Amazon’s Fury?
Roland Murphy 8/17/2016 10:04:45 PM

$WMT is so far behind the times, any added tech can only help its e-commerce efforts. Acquiring #Jet is a move in the right direction. But the pairing will not be a case of 2+2 equals 5, and they still will be no match for $AMZN. Not too mention, trying to integrate the two sites likely be worse than the ObamaCare site snafu.

Will Save Walmart from Amazon’s Fury?
Terrence Howard 8/17/2016 9:58:08 PM

I agree. #Amazon ($AMZN) is exceptionally innovative. #Walmart ($WMT) is exceptionally behind the times (any one who has ever used instore pickup knows what I mean - waiting an hour for someone to visually check each box for your name since they have no tracking technology). But #Jet is decidedly average. The pairing won't help Walmart much.

Chugging Higher
Cynthia Decker 8/4/2016 2:17:04 PM

#Walmart is paying $3 billion for #Jet? Why? So not impressed with that company. I know Walmart is being hurt by #Amazon, but Jet isn't the answer. $WMT $AMZN

Amazin’ Amazon
Michele Kalker 8/1/2016 3:44:33 PM

Does Amazon have more Prime members than Netflix has subscribers? $AMZN $NFLX

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