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Amazon Goes Offline With Bricks-And-Mortar Grocery Chain; Envisions Opening 2,000 Stores
John Fitch 12/9/2016 5:44:32 PM

It all comes down to this: "#Amazon automatically determines what items customers take from the shelves. "

No idea how they do this. But if it works, it could solve all the problems and complaints of the programs that came before. It would also limit petty theft/shoplifting which is a major problem in this industry. $AMZN

Amazon Goes Offline With Bricks-And-Mortar Grocery Chain; Envisions Opening 2,000 Stores
James Hunter 12/9/2016 5:42:50 PM

I'm curious to see if #Amazon can make this work. $AMZN always manages to do things better. The idea is great, but to date, implementations have been poor.

Is This The Biggest Reason To Buy AMZN Stock Today?
Danny Straus 12/6/2016 7:40:07 PM

You make a compelling argument to buy $AMZN. There are so many other reasons to buy #Amazon stock as well, that this is actually on the bottom of my list. As a customer of #AWS, I've actually been pretty unsatisfied with my experience. I find the customer support to be incredibly slow to resolve problems and have experienced outages. I think AWS need to improve if they want to continue getting my business.

The Needed Acception Of Cryptocurrency Today
Barry Hochhauser 11/30/2016 1:47:49 AM

I'd have to agree with you @[Alexander Hamilton](user:35569). Though I often wonder if sites like $AMZN or $AAPL have their own plans for #cryptocurrency. Like with #ApplePay.

The Needed Acception Of Cryptocurrency Today
Alexander Hamilton 11/29/2016 1:56:46 AM

It's because #cryptocurrency is used by various nefarious organizations to launder money. From various Mafias to Dictators and dark web, all use it. $AMZN doesn't want to legitimize them!

Bullish On Ebay
Mad Money 11/7/2016 10:02:58 PM

At least I still don't have to pay sales tax on $EBAY! That gives them an advantage over $AMZN in my book.

Bullish On Ebay
James Hunter 11/7/2016 10:01:35 PM

I have a love/hate relationship with #Ebay. I agree it is still the go-to place to sell my stuff. They've done a great job on cornering the auction market. That being said, I think they've completely dropped the ball and let #Amazon eat into their overall used-goods market share. They consistently fail to be innovative while Amazon is always leading in innovation. Perhaps the company's foray into structured date will have an impact as the author suggests.


Bullish On Ebay
Doug Morris 11/7/2016 9:58:44 PM

I couldn't agree with this article more. #eBay has always been underated, overshadowed by #Amazon's success. But ebay isn't going anywhere. It's still the best place to go if you need to sell an item, and far safer than a place like Craig's list. $EBAY $AMZN

Best Stock Charts - October 02, 2016
Dean Gilmore 10/6/2016 4:25:58 PM

Agree on $AMZN, $BABA and a few others but knowing that so much #oil is sitting just to be included in the inventory, $UWTI is risky.

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (BKS): Book It?
Dan Jackson 9/16/2016 6:01:20 PM

I heard that too, but I think they are supposed to be more like Apple Stores - specifically to sell their hardware like Amazon tablets, Amazon TV, Amazon phones, etc. Not books. So as the author said, that give B&N and edge. $BKS $AMZN $AAPL

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