From this we learn: Do not ever underestimate the Chinese military mind! Far advanced planning and some really unique insights into future actions and activity are all part of the agenda, which we can only guess about the details. But I see that China intends to become THE world power, calling all of the shots for the rest of the world. NOT primarily through military might, but by stealth and cunning, both consuming far fewer resources. Stealing secret technology is the current obvious indication. Lack of concern by our new leader is certainly a problem.
Reducing the use of fossil fuels will primarily reduce the amount of energy available and will certainly dampen the economy and raise costs. That, in turn, will probably lead to some factions gaining more control of how the rest of the world lives. It will also result in a greater transfer of wealth and thus power, to that few.
The pity is that none have reminded us that the whole build up of carbon dioxide is also related to the loss of forests that provide the conversion back to useful oxygen. Consider that, always, damaging the means of production will always reduce the amount of product. That certainly applies to oxygen.
Certainly valid remarks about bottoming prices. "Group-think" does play a part of major trends but individual performance is usually the main driver,EXCEPT where external forces are playing games such as "pump and dump.
Recalling the book about Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde, we see that incredible evil can exist within the same entity as an apparent amount of good. Not a good sign in my evaluation.
While citing history is educational and probably encouraging, we are constantly reminded,(at least I am!), that past performance is no guarantee of future results. So while the future claims to be positive, things may be different.
Very close to what I had presumed it to be. A collection of very rich people whose sole agenda is to keep it that way. That explains the constant push for inflation which really only benefits them and "their friends." So this is the price that we pay for our government never needing to ask "how much," and never choosing to say "To Much". Because of this the lower 75% suffer. Unfortunately the poison is serious and the antidote is deadly as well. Possibly in the unseen tomorrow something different can be created.
Latest Comments
With 34 Pending Filings, China Sends A Message: No More US IPOs
From this we learn: Do not ever underestimate the Chinese military mind! Far advanced planning and some really unique insights into future actions and activity are all part of the agenda, which we can only guess about the details. But I see that China intends to become THE world power, calling all of the shots for the rest of the world. NOT primarily through military might, but by stealth and cunning, both consuming far fewer resources. Stealing secret technology is the current obvious indication. Lack of concern by our new leader is certainly a problem.
Now They Want More Oil
Reducing the use of fossil fuels will primarily reduce the amount of energy available and will certainly dampen the economy and raise costs. That, in turn, will probably lead to some factions gaining more control of how the rest of the world lives. It will also result in a greater transfer of wealth and thus power, to that few.
The pity is that none have reminded us that the whole build up of carbon dioxide is also related to the loss of forests that provide the conversion back to useful oxygen. Consider that, always, damaging the means of production will always reduce the amount of product. That certainly applies to oxygen.
Technical Outlook For Gold & Gold Stocks
Certainly valid remarks about bottoming prices. "Group-think" does play a part of major trends but individual performance is usually the main driver,EXCEPT where external forces are playing games such as "pump and dump.
Sell Sell Sell
An interesting insight indeed.
A Visit To Jekyll Island - The Fed Is A Banker's Bank
Recalling the book about Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde, we see that incredible evil can exist within the same entity as an apparent amount of good. Not a good sign in my evaluation.
Tuesday Talk: Summer Stock
While citing history is educational and probably encouraging, we are constantly reminded,(at least I am!), that past performance is no guarantee of future results. So while the future claims to be positive, things may be different.
Tesla (TSLA): Still With Selling Pressure Around Quarterly Value Area High
The first sentence is certainly a champion string of jargon. Quite impressive indeed.
A Visit To Jekyll Island - The Fed Is A Banker's Bank
Very close to what I had presumed it to be. A collection of very rich people whose sole agenda is to keep it that way. That explains the constant push for inflation which really only benefits them and "their friends." So this is the price that we pay for our government never needing to ask "how much," and never choosing to say "To Much". Because of this the lower 75% suffer. Unfortunately the poison is serious and the antidote is deadly as well. Possibly in the unseen tomorrow something different can be created.
Sell Sell Sell
Really, an interesting title, for sure. Not quite so sure about exactly WHAT to be sell sell selling. Perhaps Nintendo? But what about the long-play??
Do Not Board The Fed “Dove Boat” Just Yet.
Quite a useful opinion to share with us.