William K. - Comments

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Mu - The Newest Worry
3 years ago

Glad your stocks are doing well, and it is good to see your words again!. Yes, the new varient (Mutation?) of this evik virus is indeed causing all sorts of problems.

As for the shortfall in hiring, I wonder just WHO makes the sunshine predictions and  just what is the basis for them.  It seems more like a typical CEO spouting off the words that investors love to hear, even as reality is a bit different than that.

And I do remember those back of the plane gatherings where a dozen or so engineers who had been at the CPC-Tarrytown GM plant would all be returning to Detroit metro from LaGuiardia. Always qwell behaved but never quiet. I was contract help and so not as much part of the crowd. Good Times back then.

Crypto Market Cap Struggles At Fibonacci Resistance Zone
3 years ago

Certainly a jargon-loaded rport based on an interesting analysis system/method.  Interesting.

Canada’s Pandemic Recession Is Far From Over
3 years ago

For those folks who increased their savings because of the governmenthandouts, it certainly seems that they did not really need the handout. Of course that was not everybody, some would have been in dire straits without the support. So probably it would have been better to verify the need prior to the distribution, and no, it would not be "fair" to only support those in need, but certainly just as effective.

The advantage that Canada does possess is that our federal reserve clowns are not in control of Canadian banking, so they are a bit free from the long history of economic bungling.

Sort of harsh words, I know, but will any argue?

The difference between "nominal" and "actual" numbers points at a defficiency between accounting methods at some point. Or it may be a question of interpretation, I am not sure..

Moderna Stock Forecast 2025: 70% Gain In Five Years
3 years ago

Certainly finding a demand and creating a product to satisfy that demand is a good business plan. And to keep doing it makes good business sense. So Moderna may continue to do well. Some are able to be in the right place at the right time repetedly. GOOD FOR THEM!

In this article: MRNA
Energy Report: Record-Breaking
3 years ago

Could it be that INFLATION is also helping to raise those fuel prices?? Might that galloping inflation effect extend to the price of fuel??
AND, in India, those folks buying all of that gasoline. They are putting it into CARS and driving. And no Mister Biden is telling us it is time for more drastic government action to stop the use of fuel. BUT NOBODY is doing squat about regenerating the one thing that consumes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Do you know what consumes carbon dioxide and releases fresh oxygen? Trees, and forestrs of trees is what does it. Is there anything else?? Not that I am aware of.

One more thing: If we runout of oxygen to breath, the rising temperature will not be our problem any more.

Legendary Investor Mark Mobius Endorses The 10% Golden Rule
3 years ago

Good advice for certain! Gold is the insurance against losing it all, especially through inflation. We all KNOW that inflation will be a problem for a huge number who are not in that top 5% bracket. The Federal Reserve bankers know it also, but they do not care! Sowe have those steering the bus having a rather different agenda from the rest of the people. What other explanation could there be?? Do we think that maybe they are stupid?? OR??

Market Briefing For Thursday, Sept. 2
3 years ago

At last it is admitted that performance of the giants does not tell us how the rest are doing. Certainly they can have trends of their own.

And finally the reality that this plague is going to be around for a while, and continue to bring death and damage to humanity.  The fact is that it looks like a military weapon system run amuk, and adapting to be a more effective weapon. That  is the inherrent flaw in the concept of smart weapons, which is that they can become more effctive on their own.

Could this be the run-up to the prophesied Judgement Day? If so, a lot of folks have a serious problem ahead.

In this article: PFE, SRNE, QQQ, OIL, SPY, UDN, MRNA, MRK
Cathie Wood Adds $56M In Zoom As Shares Plunge; Pfizer, Robinhood And These Are Other Key Trades
3 years ago

"Buy the dip" is one chant that I hear quite a bit. So perhaps CW iis taking some good advice.

In this article: ARKW, ARKK, ZM, HOOD
A Golden Opportunity Or Just Fake Gold?
3 years ago

Those whose wealth is in billions can put much of it into gold because they do not need to constantly get more, just to pay the bills. They can afford to coast for a while. It is the little fish who must constantly get more who do not move to the safe area when things look unstable, because they can't afford to go a day without more.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana Predictions - Alt-Coin Rally
3 years ago

When the cryptocoin bubble bursts and the shares are only worth a pile of bits, that will be the end of that fake money bubble and time for another game to start. 

In this article: BITCOMP, SOL-X
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