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Will You Be Alive When We Run Out Of Oil?
9 years ago

Donald I think you miss the point entirely. Humanity is dumping oil waste into the atmosphere. Waste dumping is never a good thing. You wouldn't just dump your household waste in you house. You would either try to recycle or find a place where it doesn't cause harm. Which generation do you want to deal with all the waste dumping? Is it your children or grandchildren? No one really knows when oil will run out but it will. If you knew there was a better way and the technology exists today would it not be worth supporting?

Why do you want to hang onto a dirty filthy energy like oil. Oil only makes a few people rich. You may be one of them but I doubt it. If you supported solar, battery storage it means you are supporting an energy source which is free entirely and will not run out for at least 4 billion years. Wealth would be more evenly distributed. There would be no monopoly on oil because we would all have the ability to produce energy from our roof top and store it in our local battery. The technology just needs as much support as you have for oil. If we all did then oil would soon be a thing of the past.

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