If the airframe & wings where covered with the latest or future very thin pliable high output solar cells then this plane & others would have much greater range??
I have an independent solar system with battery backup & it is really good & wonderful not to have monthly bills but do want to get a small wind turbine as a back up when very cloudy!! the great thing is it is sustainable!!
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The Airbus E-Fan Takes To The Skies
If the airframe & wings where covered with the latest or future very thin pliable high output solar cells then this plane & others would have much greater range??
The Airbus E-Fan Takes To The Skies
Very interesting but only for the very rich??
Solar Power Is At A Tipping Point... And The Upshot Is Massive Profits
I have an independent solar system with battery backup & it is really good & wonderful not to have monthly bills but do want to get a small wind turbine as a back up when very cloudy!! the great thing is it is sustainable!!