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Will You Be Alive When We Run Out Of Oil?
9 years ago

Actually, it is enough to sustain current production levels. If coal runs out in other countries, coal producers in the US will ship them overseas if the overseas price exceeds the US price and US coal producers might produce more each year, reducing that number. If coal usage increases, the figures will decrease. If we find more coal deposits, the figure will increase. If demand declines due to insistence on "clean coal", the figure will increase. Therefore, all such figures are unreliable. Crystal ball gazing is silly.

Will You Be Alive When We Run Out Of Oil?
9 years ago

Actually, it *is* renewable since it is made up of dead life forms from long ago that were subjected to extreme pressure (that's why it is called a "fossil fuel"!). It just takes, oh, about 40 million years to renew it! So, yes, we will NEVER run out of oil. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a fool or a liar. On the other hand, unless we continue to find new sources or expand our technology so that we can extract oil in a manner not previously done before (such as shale oil, which was unrecoverable only a few decades ago), we *will* eventually run out of oil that can be extracted in a financially viable manner. In addition, we have to contend with global warming, which will cause us to stop use of fossil fuels LONG before that lost drop of oil is extracted. THAT is what is meant by "running out of oil."

Will You Be Alive When We Run Out Of Oil?
9 years ago

You are also unable to understand the numbers which you are referencing. You are assuming that there will be no more extractable oil found EVER. Bad assumption. Did you know that we were supposed to run out of oil back in 1881? Still hasn't happened, has it? In any case, even if we continue our present course, we will NEVER run out of oil. Period. It's a lie to say that we will. That's because even if we don't find any more oil, as oil becomes more scarce, it will become more expensive. That will cause people to eventually stop using it -- long before the last drop of oil is extracted (this is assuming that we don't stop because of a need to do so due to global warming -- again, something that will happen LONG BEFORE the last drop of oil is extracted). After all, if oil reaches $1,000 a barrel (which it eventually would if we don't increase our reserves), I guarantee that every other energy source on the planet (including wind and solar) starts to look VERY attractive....

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