The demographics are pushing the fed to reach for yield? I hear Janet isnt as cheap as she appears in person? Maybe the fed know something and is running with the horses instead of sitting in the crowd?
The fed is increasing ownership of the private economy by buying and holding Anything not nailgunned down?
Given very little M&A getting done and stock and bond trading volumes have disappeared, loaning credit to yourself to buy income producing assets while rates are next to nothing is smart. However selling bond puts is criminal?
You just keep wondering how long until you get some benefits from this crime!
The real danger is gaining market share too fast and having to adopt Euro's instead of destroying them? Triggering article 50 to bailout Europe is NOT a plan B
I bought when everyone was "handing them out" now I have to wait until the fed spooks the market!? Everyone were just giving credit away, back when the central bank had some credibility!
#AIG tanked a year before Bear! AIG was the monoline insurance company backing all the crap.
Then the banks eliminated Bear and Paulson destroyed Lehman and everything got all impaired and Bush went begging around the White House and adjacent grounds until congress handed Paulson his blank check and happy Gilmore hands it to the Fed. (Update: Paulson. Was DJ for Chinese premier visit to america)
The fed has resources! You should focus On the LTCM bailout. You chaps are out to sea.
Just cause you coined #ZIRP doesnt mean you get it!
The #fed will buy the over subscribe! LA dolce vita is in full swing and Yellen does a victory dance each time new ones and zeros go into swift. In the words of " my life with the thrill kill kult" why don't you just stop living? Stop scaring the children with tales of Frankenstein ( is Volcker even still alive?)
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Weekend Reading: The Global Dichotomy
The demographics are pushing the fed to reach for yield? I hear Janet isnt as cheap as she appears in person? Maybe the fed know something and is running with the horses instead of sitting in the crowd?
The fed is increasing ownership of the private economy by buying and holding Anything not nailgunned down?
Given very little M&A getting done and stock and bond trading volumes have disappeared, loaning credit to yourself to buy income producing assets while rates are next to nothing is smart. However selling bond puts is criminal?
You just keep wondering how long until you get some benefits from this crime!
The Bank Of England Has Seriously Lost The Plot
The real danger is gaining market share too fast and having to adopt Euro's instead of destroying them? Triggering article 50 to bailout Europe is NOT a plan B
Pay Attention To What BoJ Did Do
Its not just for QE anymore
And helicopter money sounds too verbish and a technical manual could be involved.
Presto change(o).
Enough with the glib titles unless you are about to add
Fiscal stimulus alternative into the mix and blame congress for not doing enough!
Which brings us back to dough ray me.
Bond Basics - Why Trade Bond Futures Right Now
I bought when everyone was "handing them out" now I have to wait until the fed spooks the market!? Everyone were just giving credit away, back when the central bank had some credibility!
Fed's Mester Says Helicopter Money "The Next Step" In U.S. Monetary Policy
She is really buying yuan and drinking wine at the yaht club while being snowed -In off season rates niiiice
Fed's Mester Says Helicopter Money "The Next Step" In U.S. Monetary Policy
So, how much ones and zeros can we put you down for 100b.? Wally tipping? How colonial
Fed's Mester Says Helicopter Money "The Next Step" In U.S. Monetary Policy
More MED's and than more meds (we globalize whether the globalist want it or not?) Cleveland Ohio probs don't even know she's on holiday
Germany Is About To Sell Zero-Coupon 10 Year Bonds For The First Time Ever
- the fly's are in the sugar- manson
Germany Is About To Sell Zero-Coupon 10 Year Bonds For The First Time Ever
#AIG tanked a year before Bear! AIG was the monoline insurance company backing all the crap.
Then the banks eliminated Bear and Paulson destroyed Lehman and everything got all impaired and Bush went begging around the White House and adjacent grounds until congress handed Paulson his blank check and happy Gilmore hands it to the Fed. (Update: Paulson. Was DJ for Chinese premier visit to america)
The fed has resources! You should focus On the LTCM bailout. You chaps are out to sea.
Just cause you coined #ZIRP doesnt mean you get it!
Germany Is About To Sell Zero-Coupon 10 Year Bonds For The First Time Ever
The #fed will buy the over subscribe! LA dolce vita is in full swing and Yellen does a victory dance each time new ones and zeros go into swift. In the words of " my life with the thrill kill kult" why don't you just stop living? Stop scaring the children with tales of Frankenstein ( is Volcker even still alive?)