Eugene Flynn - Comments

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Can Putin Survive?
10 years ago

1)...after Damascus used chemical weapons??? A false flag operation probably initiated with help from Turkey and USA - Seymour Hirsch and MIT scientist have destroyed that phony lie.

Notice the complete western media silence after they were caught. It's deafening.

2) The 2008 Georgia attack by Amrican puppet Saakshvelli ( now wanted by Georgia as a criminal and now working again as an Americn puppet in Kiev) on autonomous S. Ossetia orchestrated by US & Isral advisors to test Russia at her border. Russia properly responded but

did not occupy Georgia.

3)Yanukovich duly elected Ukraine president was cheered when he accepted EU agreement than villified and driven from office for accepting a better deal for his counrty with Russia. Nuland has been taped as saying the US spent $5bn+ to buy Ukraine. She and McCain handed out leaflets in Kiev to celebrate the American victory.

4) Putin has been very very patient - we have been hoping Russia would militarily attack Ukraine further atagonizing our european puppies froom their geographic and historic ally. Russia has accepted being surrounded by US missiles( by US I include obediant western?NATO proxies) after the lying guarantees of Baker that NATO would not mo0ve 1 inch further east.. Installing more missiles to defend against an Iran attack??? Forcing Georgia and Ukraine unrest to humble Putin/Russia.

5) There are no Russiuan troops, possibly individual corrageous volunteers, in Ukraine. There are probably more US/NATO/Blackwatch advisors (???) there. than ajny Russian soldiers.

6) Ukraine removed Russian as an official language,made the communist party illegal and is brutally murdering her own people.

7) The Ukraine puppet govt. wants to join NATO and put nukes on her Russian border. She cannot allow this and europe knows it but must act obediantly according to US wishes as they have done thru the US/Israel inspired blood march of death and destruction thru the ME.

8) The US considers Russia a toothless tiger and expects to tame and cage her. Putin cannot and will not allow this. His patience is being misunderstood as weakness.

9) Remember Cuba - the threat of Missiles we were prepared for war - Russia is much more threatened by US and our puppies than we ever were by Russia. We were prepared to go to war - we always are since it never touches our territory - but Grl, Patton said - War is as american as applepie and we are always hungry.

I think Putin should be a shooin for the Peace Prize.

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