Soon, social distancing will prevent people from using actual cash. And global currencies may collapse under the strain of COVID-19. I think people will start flocking towards crypos like #Libra. $LIBRA $FB
I agree that #Libra's biggest obstacle is Facebook's credibility issues. But beyond that, I liked the idea of a regulatory body and being pegged against a basket of stable currencies. Bitcoin may be a great bet as an investment, but it's volatility makes it horrible as an actual digital currency.
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Crypto Prices Surge, Adding $14B In Value
$ETH-X futures may have lost some faith.
Libra Is Coming: Will FB Liberate Or Liquidate The Crypto Market?
Soon, social distancing will prevent people from using actual cash. And global currencies may collapse under the strain of COVID-19. I think people will start flocking towards crypos like #Libra. $LIBRA $FB
Market Briefing For Wednesday, March 4
Will do Gene, thanks
Why Facebook's Cryptocurrency Libra Wasn't Well Received
I agree that #Libra's biggest obstacle is Facebook's credibility issues. But beyond that, I liked the idea of a regulatory body and being pegged against a basket of stable currencies. Bitcoin may be a great bet as an investment, but it's volatility makes it horrible as an actual digital currency.
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Americans increasingly vote for divided government, which works better than unified government.
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Good article.
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Lots of good info here.
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