I agree that the growth seems to be picking up but I'm not convinced that the jobs situation will improve meaningfully. The last jobs report showed a slight increase in unemployment, and that doesn't even count those who are no longer getting unemployment because they maxed out, even though they are still out of work.
Interesting read, thanks. While I'm familiar with the concept of #HelicopterMoney, how much actual cash would be required to test this theory? How many dollars would actually be transferred to each person? It would need to be significant enough to have an impact on the economy, yet not so high as to bankrupt the country.
Sure, Apple milks a successful product for all it's worth. But they always manage to innovate - they have a knack for finding a promising product (usually invented by others) and then improving upon it to realize its full potential. If that's not innovation, what is?
Latest Comments
Fukuvi Chemical Industry – Too Undervalued To Ignore!
Interesting find. I'll take a closer look at this stock.
Retail Sales Perk Up In September
I agree that the growth seems to be picking up but I'm not convinced that the jobs situation will improve meaningfully. The last jobs report showed a slight increase in unemployment, and that doesn't even count those who are no longer getting unemployment because they maxed out, even though they are still out of work.
5 Top ROE Stocks For A Spooky September
I have 3 of these and so far none of them has shown a desire to break out!!
In A World Of Weak Growth, Helicopter Money Could Be The Next Kind Of Monetary Stimulus
Interesting read, thanks. While I'm familiar with the concept of #HelicopterMoney, how much actual cash would be required to test this theory? How many dollars would actually be transferred to each person? It would need to be significant enough to have an impact on the economy, yet not so high as to bankrupt the country.
Domino's Unleashes Pizza-Delivery-Robot As 2 Out Of 3 Americans Expect Jobs To Be Automated
Interesting, thanks for responding @[Gary Anderson](user:4798).
Domino's Unleashes Pizza-Delivery-Robot As 2 Out Of 3 Americans Expect Jobs To Be Automated
And what did Henry #Ford say?
Brexit Fears Plague Risk Averse Markets
Thanks for sharing.
Noonan: Charts Show Gold & Silver At Turning Point
Very insightful.
Should Apple Be This Cheap?
Sure, Apple milks a successful product for all it's worth. But they always manage to innovate - they have a knack for finding a promising product (usually invented by others) and then improving upon it to realize its full potential. If that's not innovation, what is?
Is The End Near For The Solar Industry?
No not quite the end. They were hit hard by the cheap oil and people flooded to SUVs. Once the price goes back up to $100, $TSLA up up!