Alexander M.r. Pinel - Comments

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Ben Bernanke’s Apologia For The Fed
9 years ago

altogether pertinent. i would have liked to read that the same way sooner/remoter affect money's value in the lender's appreciation, it also affects not the "federal bank's" actions but the decision-makers' whom should certainly not be considered as neither mandated nor wholly altruistic in their dealings with macro-economic factors and how they can influence those for personal gain. the simple fact that there is such an institution that can dictate such an abstract as money's value (which surely should totally subjective since we all relate to time and value differently) is a sign that "someone" wishes to have control oveer it. how many individuals do you know that STRIVE to control for reasons other than personal comfort/gain? those who created this institution and those who over the years have been given control of this institution, did and do so for personal gain only. this alone answers bernanke's poor attampt at defending the institution.

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