I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!
I've worked hard my whole life, but it wasn't until my introduction to investing where I found my groove and was able to make it big. A movie fan, collector, and big kid at heart, I can finally indulge in all the finer things in life I was denied as a child! The world is mine!
Latest Comments
I Am Kind Of Pissed
I don't get it. Why would you be "pissed" to find out you are actually being incentivized to contribute to the site and to maybe one day get a big pay day if the site really takes off? Most sites don't give their contributors anything at all. If I were you, I'd be pleasantly surprised! Not angry.
Which Type Of Real Estate Investment Is Right For You? 5 To Know
Interesting, thanks.
The Mind Needs To Shift When Times Really Change
The book is available in paperback and as an E-book too? I am looking here www.amazon.com/.../1520418906/
My Different Audiences
I'll take that bet ;-)
Will Game Stop?
Wow, what a chart!
Gold, Silver, & Platinum Key Tactics Now
The Third Of Three Conversations
Trump was bad before the election. He was even worse after!
Fed Driven Bubble Destined To End Badly
It's just magically not going to have an impact.
Apple May Soon Join Tesla In The EV Auto Sector
Natgas Futures Jump On Colder Weather Trends Over Next Ten Days
I bought puts today and they running against me. lol.