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The Bullish Trend Continues - Sunday, Nov. 7
3 years ago

If someone is going to pay $700/pill for Pfizer's Covid Anti-Viral pill they'll want to be certain that they have Covid and not the flu. Chembio $CEMI has the dual Covid/flu test. Buy a few shares before the next p.r. doubles/triples the share price.

Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) Sell-Off Into The Weekend, Support Looks Increasingly Fragile
3 years ago

Bitcoin is like dust in the wind... just like the photo.

In this article: BITCOMP
George Floyd Memorial Day
3 years ago

Not much, except had he used bitcoin instead of a counterfeit bill, he'd still be alive and committing crimes.

George Floyd Memorial Day
3 years ago

What's crazy is that Fentanyl Floyd could have avoided the entire thing if he had just bothered to get a real $20. If he had been a law abiding citizen, he'd be just fine.

3 Utilities Yielding Over 4% For Post COVID-19
4 years ago

Would like to see the rest of the article, but unfortunately, it seems that now Seeking Alpha locks everything behind a paywall. Guess I'll be spending more time here.

In this article: ED, SR, NEW
Goldman Warns If The Short Squeeze Continues, The Entire Market Could Crash
4 years ago

To Hell with the market ot’s anyway for the rich people and it needs to be hit at the head and feel how it feels to be hit HARD. Then, and maybe then, it will learn to be a bit more fair to the honest peoples of the World.

In this article: GME
Benevolent Benefactor
4 years ago

Lol, TalkMarkets is a startup. They are LOSING money on publishing your work. They've yet to make a profit but have to pay hosting fees to host your work, editors to publish your work, marketing fees to market your work, etc. etc. But sure, everyone knows these guys are unique in that plan to share the wealth with their authors once/if they make it big. From what I understand, that's better than most sites that expect you to work for them for free.

Vaccine Competition Is Coming Up And That's A Good Thing
4 years ago

RFK Jr. has represented for 20 +yrs the families of vaccine injured. He's heard all the experts and now is a leading voice for Vaccine Safety, not anti-vaccine. Knows of every instance where the Pharma companies have, been negligent, lied, been criminal, and the likes. Knows every vaccine industry inside and out/ which ones had problems and why they sold to this company or that company, switch names, change adjuvants, move production to another country, and more. Not a pessimistic view of the potential, but a reality which is purposefully hidden. As you probably heard most news you read are owned by a few corporations whose ad revenue comes almost entirely from Pharmaceutical companies. The lobby is the biggest in Washington D.C. Every time a vaccine is added for children and made mandatory it is locked in profits. The opposing voices are silenced. The first goal of global governments proponents is Adult Mandatory vaccines. For the Chinese soon for us it's a reality.

In this article: MRNA
Opening Up The Economy, Case By Case
4 years ago

When did he say that? With 90% efficacy, even if only half the people took it, we'd be in pretty good shape. And Pfizer said that immunity would last a year. Far better than the natural immunity people can get from recovering from the disease.

Opening Up The Economy, Case By Case
4 years ago

With the Pfizer vaccine now ready, all will go back to normal soon. Don't you think?

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