With the extreme volatility surrounding the more “attractive” crypto, (Bitcoin, Ethereum...) how does one have confidence in investing in certain crypto assets?
Interesting article. However, your argument against investing in a fortune 500 company is their lack of potential sustainability, so why don't you address the risks of investing in startups? (The fact that most startups do not succeed)
It's a tough situation. On the one hand, it is difficult as there are so many unknowns with the virus, but it is definitely not sustainable to have the economy shut down. Feels like a game of Russian Roulette, and I would side with opening up the economy.
Latest Comments
Monster Beverage - Top Stock To Own
Interesting. What is Monsters potential ceiling though?? Would obviously factor into the risk vs reward and how much I would be willing to take on.
Gold Breaks Out To A New All-Time High As The U.S. Dollar Drops
Very interesting article. Thank you!
Predictions Of The Dollar's Demise Are Likely Premature
Excluding some stable coin, most crypto Is extremely volatile. How would you navigate using cryptocurrency as your primary currency??
Bitcoin Soaring Through The $10,000 Resistance Level
With the extreme volatility surrounding the more “attractive” crypto, (Bitcoin, Ethereum...) how does one have confidence in investing in certain crypto assets?
US High Frequency Indicators Confirm Economic Recovery Has Stalled Since Late June
Thank you for attaching so many external sources. Do you believe that there is any way around another recession?
Silver: 4-Year Highs And More To Come
Do you see a correlation between the rise in metal pricing and the rise of cryptocurrency??
Why You'll Want To Say Goodbye To The Fortune 500 Company And Invest In Startups
Interesting article. However, your argument against investing in a fortune 500 company is their lack of potential sustainability, so why don't you address the risks of investing in startups? (The fact that most startups do not succeed)
GoHealth Shares Drop 9% On Day One Trading After $913M IPO
Shocking, as this is the time health stocks are booming.
Coronavirus: Let's Move On
It's a tough situation. On the one hand, it is difficult as there are so many unknowns with the virus, but it is definitely not sustainable to have the economy shut down. Feels like a game of Russian Roulette, and I would side with opening up the economy.
Did The Stock Bubble Just Pop?
Very informative! When do you think the returns are going to start to reflect the reality of the situation, and not be based on optimism?