'There is a general view that Vladimir Putin governs the Russian Federation as a dictator, blah, blah" No mister Friedman, there is no such view, another blatant lie by you and similar goebbelsian, russophobic, US propagandists, who create this sick and disgusting, brainwashing hysteria about some imaginary 'russian threat' to justify american occupation of the world. Your dictatoriship and the true and only 'evil empire' is in Washington DC - you are working for them.
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Can Putin Survive?
'There is a general view that Vladimir Putin governs the Russian Federation as a dictator, blah, blah" No mister Friedman, there is no such view, another blatant lie by you and similar goebbelsian, russophobic, US propagandists, who create this sick and disgusting, brainwashing hysteria about some imaginary 'russian threat' to justify american occupation of the world. Your dictatoriship and the true and only 'evil empire' is in Washington DC - you are working for them.