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Great read, thanks.
MHO M I Homes the best of the group.
I think the markets have more to do with price and cycles than politics.
Thanks for the link, very interesting view.
Yes! I was about to make the same point.
@[Abe Jouejati](user:32712), you seem to be quite an inisghtful young man. I see you are a contributor here as well. I hope to read more of your articles. Very impressive.
It's endless cycle. We're never going to get government spending under control until we hold our politicians accountable.
This quick article is worth the read, thanks.
This is troubling.
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Mapped: Facebook’s Path To Social Network Domination (2008-2020)
Great read, thanks.
Never Been Better For Builders
MHO M I Homes the best of the group.
President Biden & Leader McConnell – Markets Celebrate
I think the markets have more to do with price and cycles than politics.
Death, Economics And Coronavirus
Thanks for the link, very interesting view.
The “No Sense” Algorithm
Manufacturing Slowdown Apparent, But No Contraction
Yes! I was about to make the same point.
Three Ways To Buy Silver
@[Abe Jouejati](user:32712), you seem to be quite an inisghtful young man. I see you are a contributor here as well. I hope to read more of your articles. Very impressive.
We Give Up! Government Spending And Deficits Soar Pretty Much Everywhere
It's endless cycle. We're never going to get government spending under control until we hold our politicians accountable.
Stocks Soared 26% The Last Time This Happened
This quick article is worth the read, thanks.
Dismal Data & Inverting Yields Signal A Recession
This is troubling.