Interested in all kinds of financial products and articles. Focus on knowledge in risk analysis, technical analysis and economics. Want to know something about everything lol.
Interested in all kinds of financial products and articles. Focus on knowledge in risk analysis, technical analysis and economics. Want to know something about everything lol.
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Inequality In Skills And The Great Gatsby Curve - Mobility Is Lower In The USA Than In Most Other Advanced Economies
Interesting research! May be should also include developing countries as well.
Are Energy ETFs The Key To A Sustainable Bull Market?
Great article! "Everyone benefits from lower energy costs. What many folks may be missing, however, is that oil price deflation can undermine confidence in global demand." It is important to notice the underlying problems from a economist's view. After all, it is the supply and demand that drive the price. As to the oil price prediction, I agree with your assumption that the stimulative efforts by governments all over the world is helping eliminate some of investors' anxiety, but I am still curious about how you get the stabilize range, based on historical data or more foundamental analysis?
UK’s GCHQ Boss Wants Facebook,Twitter To Open Up
It is a story one professor told me, so he never uses these websites after his friend (should be a skilled hacker I think) showed him his capability of manipulating the accounts. As to twitter, regulators in US are already monitoring the conversations to see if there is any inside trading information I think. To some extent, it is not news many news about user information leak, from banks, schools, etc...
Volume, Volatility, Liquidity For Stock Predictions
Thank you for replying! love your articles about technical analysis, simple but practical.
UK’s GCHQ Boss Wants Facebook,Twitter To Open Up
Well, Facebook has already conducted research by using users' data. People can actually manipulate your bank accounts based on your linkedin info..
Volume, Volatility, Liquidity For Stock Predictions
Nice read! Do spikes of volume represent investors' overreaction? "This volume spike represents the last of the investors scrambling to get into the stock. These final investors are often wrong, therefore after they buy into the stock, share prices plunge. "What is the underlying understanding of this...?
Unemployment Claims Rolling Average Improves. Remains At Lowest Level Since April 2000
Nice charts! Few questions..First one, January, May and December experienced greatest decline...more graduates this year get jobs? Second one, when will the downward trend stop and get into another round of upward...there seems to be some times series trend right? Third one, why the unemployment number got back at the end of last two years?
Anatomy Of A Failing State: Japan's Budgetary Nightmare
In my personal impression, Japan is too peaceful a country. (May be because of its aging problem still...) May be the government should also try to deal with young people's pressure problem (pressure and low status of housewife is the main reasons they don't want kids) and get more innovative people, like the US. It is complicated to comment on what the government should do when it is entangled with culture. Anyway these are just a newbie in economics's personal opinions..
Anatomy Of A Failing State: Japan's Budgetary Nightmare
US and Japan are actually different. All these high expenditures of Japanese government is resulted from the so-called "Abenomics". The government wants the inflation rate to rise by 2% and one of the choice is government spending more (the other normal choice is to trigger consumption, which is quite hard for the county because of the aging problem mentioned in the article. Well, the government also needs to keep reputation so they get themselves into large debts).