Dieudonne DJIMI - Comments

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Bull Quiet Versus Trend Fragility
3 years ago

Great Stuff as usual!


This Is Why Bond Yields Are Falling
3 years ago

Good Stuff!

In this article: TLT
Big Breakout In Bitcoin
4 years ago

A very good analysis.


Our Framework For Analyzing Gold
4 years ago

Good report. Totally agreed on your last point on Silver.


In this article: GLD
The “No Sense” Algorithm
4 years ago

The “No Sense” Algorithm is a great stuff!!


In this article: SLV, SPX
Dirty Dozen - Monday, April 6
4 years ago

You were right about the equity "bear squeeze rally" and I share your cautious risk management stance on stocks markets. I am glad to see you have a "subtle" bullish position in Bitcoin as you mentionned we will see if its dynamic is sustainable.

Again thanks et Stay Safe


Dirty Dozen - Monday, March 23
5 years ago

Alex, as usual your report is insightful (thanks for the KPMG pdf). I share your views on many topics.

Thanks again and Stay Safe!

Best regards

Your Monday Dirty Dozen
5 years ago

Thanks! Interesting! I will watch the copper carefully so.

Your Dirty Dozen - Monday, January 27
5 years ago

Good timing! Your last week's report was very good! Thanks

In this article: QQQ, TLT, SPX
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