Danny Straus - Comments

Danny Straus

Startup Entrepreneur
Founder and CEO of a new startup currently in stealth mode. Stay tuned for the next big idea!

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Apple Stock Rallies On Buyback Despite Weak Iphone Sales
6 years ago

This is why I switched to #Android and tell others to do the same. Why buy a product when the company cares so little about its customers, that they will intentionally break that product to force you to buy more from them... knowing it will just happen again.

#Apple LOST my loyalty with this move. Bearish on $AAPL.

In this article: AAPL
Even Bad News Won’t Derail This 6% Yield
6 years ago

An opportunity like this does not come often; take advantage buying more to reduce avg.

In this article: T
ETFs With Heavy Microsoft Exposure To Fly Post Q3 Results
6 years ago

I keep transferring my old Office license to my new computers specifically so I don't have to upgrade to their unnecessary subscription packages. I bought the software, I should own it. Besides, the only real difference is the ability to use it in the cloud which I can do just fine with a free dropbox account or one of their numerous competitors.

In this article: IYW, VGT, XLK, FTEC, IETC
The Uncertain Future Of MLP-Dedicated Funds
6 years ago

$KMI is an MLP?

Using Cash Over Credit Is Costing You Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars
7 years ago

This is an excellent point. I've saved thousands in repair costs over the years since credit cards double the manufacturer's warranty up to 1 year.

Keep It Simple – Key To Trading Profits
7 years ago

When I was getting an MBA, my finance professor said technical analysis was a complete waste of time. Why do you disagree?

Zuckerberg Scrambles To Calm Facebook Employees
7 years ago

The problem wasn't even #Facebook. The haters are jumping on this as an excuse to take Facebook and Zuckerberg down a peg but the fault completely lies with Cambridge Analytica. They are the ones who violated Facebook's terms of use and used the data improperly.

In this article: META
Zuckerberg Scrambles To Calm Facebook Employees
7 years ago

#Facebook will be forgiven simply because too many users are addicted to it. People can be very forgiving when they are hooked on a product they love. $FB

In this article: META
Is There A Turnaround Play At Western Digital?
7 years ago

I'm not convinced #WesternDigital has any sort of competitive edge. I had thought they were making an impressive early foray into video streaming and turning TVs into Smart, all in one devices. But they were quickly eclipsed by #Roku, #Amazon, #Google and others. $WDC $ROKU $AMZN $GOOGL

In this article: WDC
MagicJack VocalTec Communications: B Riley's Benefit But Tradeable
7 years ago

I use Magicjack and have for years. While not perfect, it's so affordable that I've overall been pretty very happy with the service. Amazed more people don't use it. Makes me bullish on $CALL.

In this article: CALL
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