Where to begin with this article.
1. The US fertility rate is ~1.66 - while true, the solution is not immigration. It is addressing the underlying factors that have driven the birth rate to below replacement levels. A policy response that incentivizes the native born population is preferred.
2. Immigrants can cause wage suppression. Why hire expensive native born workers when you can import from the developing world for a fraction of the cost. They are often captive workers - they dare not risk their visa by confronting their employer.
3. The concerns around crime are centered on illegal migrants. Not legal migrants. Though - I seriously doubt that immigration from developing nations, Islamic nations in particular make western nations safer.
4. I’m assuming the author is referring to the notion that immigrants will typically vote for the democratic party. It is true that democrats were under the false impression that importing legal and illegal migrants into the USA would provide a captured voter base. Recent events have made abundantly clear that this is not the case. The democrats are imploding, but this has nothing to do with immigrant preference but the insane policies put forth by the party.
This article is strange - is this some bad piece of propaganda? In any event, it belongs in the trash bin.
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