Barry Hochhauser - Comments

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Prepare For Defective Herd Immunity: It’s Coming
4 years ago

Can you elaborate on what you mean Gary?

Prepare For Defective Herd Immunity: It’s Coming
4 years ago

There are what? Over 4.5 million people who have been infected so far, world wide? One case is not much of a risk. I'm not familiar with that one instance but perhaps he had a false positive or a false negative. We are operating with too many unknowns when it comes to #COVID19. We need more data and fast.

Prepare For Defective Herd Immunity: It’s Coming
4 years ago

While this may sound heartless, I think they should look for volunteers who have recovered from COVID-19 and deliberately try to reinfect them. If they survived once, they'll likely survive again. Pay them if you have to - chances are many are now unemployed and will be willing to take the risk. But this way we will at least KNOW if immunity is possible.

Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
4 years ago

I believe the people that believe the Plandemic Documentary, or that the COVID-19 virus were genetically engineered on purpose aren't independent thinkers who can use common sense, or know how to listen to actual experts.

Prepare For Defective Herd Immunity: It’s Coming
4 years ago

How so? Herd immunity would be an ideal solution to this mess we're in. Unfortunately there are still too many unknowns... we don't even know that immunity is guaranteed when someone recovers from COVID-19.

HTD: A Solid Dividend CEF For Anyone Wanting To Grow Their Wealth And Generate Income
4 years ago

Thanks, I'll take a closer look at $HTD.

In this article: HTD
Week Kicks Off With Another Oil Dump
4 years ago

Though of course we want to open up the country again, it will almost certainly trigger a new wave of infections.

The US & EU – On The Road To Bankruptcy
4 years ago

What are some of the stocks you had in mind?

Dimon Warns Of "Severe Recession" As JPM Profit Plunge To 7 Year Low On Billions In Covid-Linked Credit Losses
4 years ago

AND...they’re up 1% because the beat the lower bar. $JPM

In this article: JPM
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